Clubmatch, Dutch Basenji club
Hello Again!
After some weeks, I hope to be more active on the forum!
We have some heavy weeks behind us, with our ship, and our little Ryan turned two last weekend, some visits to the hospital and of course being very busy with the puppie plans!
Here the pictures of the Clubmatch!Normally Kas is showing Chaffie, but because he had to drive all the way from B?lstringen (Germany) to Holland, a 5,5 hours trip he couln't make it in time. I showed Chaffie myself but I won't do that again.. he is SO different than Buana and I am not used to show him hahaha but we had fun!
Bushira und Ghali, the basenji's of a friend
ChaffieThe show
Puppie boy
Puppy girl
Puppie girl, Best Puppie
Wanyika GasiraOpen class males
Razi (dondoro Toka Kilima)
Ghali Oelan Oede
Yvonne and Moyo 1th place
Me and Chaffie:D
Chaffie saw this James at the wall and wanted to stop at it… haha
Marcel with Bulldobas cream and sugar AKA Renee
The Tri is one of Buana's kids!
BOB Marcel und Renee
Me and Kas with our sweeties
Adn Chaffie with his new girlfriend!