• First Basenji's


    What do you guys suggest I do to train Abby to walk like a good puppy? I did not have the oppertunity to take her to puppy classes when she was younger as the one school in my area was full and the other offered classes only on saturdays which I have to work. So now I am playing catch up with her to get her to be the good puppy I know she is. I have been trying to snap the lead to make her stop pulling (without a choker) but I was wondering about getting a halter lead and see if that works. My snapping her lead does not seem to phase her at all, I have even tried to use treats and that didn't work either.😕

    instead of 'snapping' the leash, just walk like us humans do, swing your arms alternately as you walk. this gives an auto correction as you walk, and your pup will get the idea of where he should be at you legs. Don't even have to say anything at first. If the 'auto' corrections or snap eventually feels uncomfortable, then he'll slow down and when this happens, say the command of choice, 'walk' 'with me' heel-whatever you want. Too much of a pull, then slow down or go the opposite direction, 180 real fast. what your saying is pulling will not get you where you want to go! Make doing the wrong thing harder: pulling gets you the opposite direction, or we stop, and you have to sit….walk nicely, we go forward.....

  • These front-attaching harnesses work really well in my experience. As soon as the dog starts to pull, it will turn itself towards you, slowing it down. Otherwise the dog has every bit of freedom to do what it wants.

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