Do I have a Basenji mix by any chance?

  • I rescued Bailey from a shelter exactly a week ago. I went in the Saturday before, walked around, stopped at the cage and knew I wanted her. I did all the paper work and waited for landlord approval (2 days), anyone could have taken her in that 2 day span. I'm so glad I got her! They had "Aust terrier mix" and "terrier mix" on the forms, more or less no one could identify what kind of dog she is.

    It took her a full week to bark so I suspected it more the first week than what I do now. Is it possible she is a mix? If not, anyone have ideas? She's 3 years old, 23lbs (a few underweight), has chipped K9's so I know she chews. She was a transfer and before that a return. So far, very well behaved since I've gotten her, loves to run, is house broken. Went camping for 2 days and stays with me. She was whining when I let a friend hold her 2 days after I got her and I ran to the shop. I take her to work with me and she doesn't make a noise at all when crated at night, only if I go out and run errands. The whole crating thing is new to be but I have been assured it's the best thing to do.

    I have videos and lots of pictures as well if it might help. Thanks!



  • she certainly looks like she could be a b mix ( the white tail, feet, and the ears). anyway, she is a cutie. congrats!

  • No matter what she is, it sounds like you and her are getting off to a very good start. 🙂 How great that you can bring her to work with you!

  • Whatever she is, she's cute. And obviously she had some training in the past if she minds so well.

  • To me, she does look like she has basenji in her. Even if she doesn't she's really cute - the really good behavior is confusing though - obviously she has some other type dog in there…..:)

  • She does look like there is basenji in that mix to me as well.

    She sounds like a wonderful dog 🙂

  • Thanks all. 🙂 On a side note she gets car sick something terrible (drooling, vomiting) and now goes to sleep within 1 mile of my apartment which seems to be helping her. Really hope she gets used to it. My office is 80 minutes from here and it's only once or twice a week that we go there which is better than leaving her crated for the day.

    I don't want to tell people she's a 'terrier mix' forever so when the bucks allow I think I'll try find out and hope one of these website DNA things isn't a scam. She is amazing and a lot of people are curious about what kind of dog she is. I've been browsing everyone's dogs here and yodeling videos on youtube and get a kick out of the Basenji's now; didn't know what they were last week.

  • Basenjis are amazing little dogs 🙂

    They hook you and reel you in!

    Poor little Bailey getting so car sick…

  • ujgreg - What is the website DNA thing? The reason I ask is because I have a rescue pup as well and would love to find out what he actually is mixed with

  • She's very pretty _ I wouldn't think Basenji but whatever she's still the same dog! Welcome to the both of you.

    Ginger tablets are very good to deal with car sickness. You have to give them a while before the journey.

  • @KMac:

    ujgreg - What is the website DNA thing? The reason I ask is because I have a rescue pup as well and would love to find out what he actually is mixed with

    KMac - I have a basenji mix who has many traits of the Basenji,and many traits unlike one. I also wanted to kkow what she is mixed with, and went online to, checked out their sample report, and sent for the kit to test her. I followed the instructions (cheek swabs) and sent everything back, and got a really comprehensive report about what was inside my Gemma. As it turns out, she is pretty much half basenji, and a quarter each collie and shetland sheepdog. Now I understand her barking, her need to chase vehicles, her protectiveness, and other things about her which are unlike my purebred B. I wholeheartedly recommend this website to find out what's in your little rescue. I received a recommendation from a guy at a dog park who had a rescue and was very pleased with his report as well. Worth every dime.

  • Shaye's Mom-You definitely have a part herding dog with those instincts. The girl that I rescued was listed as a Basenji mix but she is definitely a Herding/Spitz mix. She has the herding instincts but has a spitz curl tail and thicker coat. My sister has 2 Smooth Coated Collies and she has similar characteristics to them. She likes to chase squirrels and birds though but gets so worked up about it and barks and barks and barks.


  • ooooh wow. I am already on the site. This is amazing to know. Expecially during training. Thank you!!!

  • @dcmclcm4:

    Shaye's Mom-You definitely have a part herding dog with those instincts. The girl that I rescued was listed as a Basenji mix but she is definitely a Herding/Spitz mix. She has the herding instincts but has a spitz curl tail and thicker coat. My sister has 2 Smooth Coated Collies and she has similar characteristics to them. She likes to chase squirrels and birds though but gets so worked up about it and barks and barks and barks.


    I gotta say, that barking and how extremely worked up she gets drives me crazy, and seems to bother my B a lot as well. When Gemma starts it up on the porch, Shaye will chase her around and bite her neck trying to stop her. Gemma also does not like children much, but I think that's a result of her being teased when she was a puppy by the kids who lived next door to her before we got her as company for Shaye.

  • Patty, what are the Ginger tablets? Took her to the dog park today and she ran around and naturally needed water. All of which ended up on the back seat of my car while I was parking when we got home.

    Shaye's mom, thanks for the link. I'll eventually do that to see what she is. To me, she resembles a lot of the features when doing a Google image search for Basenji Terrier

  • First Basenji's

    look up the dog 'podengo' on google. the thread that was on this forum was introduced by a lady who has many in her home. the breed looks similar to your puppy and it is this dog that people do think looks like a 'mix' of Basenji. Very interesting if you read about them!

  • Oh wow. You might be onto something, this dog looks like a chubby version of Bailey 😉

    Though, the weights of this breed don't even seem close (from several websites) they could be wrong though:
    Weight: large 66 lbs., medium 35-44 lbs., small 8-11 lbs.

    Bailey is 23lbs and probably will be 26lbs or so.


    look up the dog 'podengo' on google. the thread that was on this forum was introduced by a lady who has many in her home. the breed looks similar to your puppy and it is this dog that people do think looks like a 'mix' of Basenji. Very interesting if you read about them!

  • ujgreg, Ginger tablets can be bought fromn Health Food Shops. Also Johnsons produce a travel sickness tablets which are actually ginger. I'll check their website address and send you a link.

  • i think shes gorgeous! if you dont mind, the videos you do have - are they on youtube? would love to check them out (i jut like watching doggy vids)

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