How Much MY Basenji Cost is His First Year:

  • hehe never thought to total up expenses. but this was Hope's expenses for a year. (just for a different view?)

    Out total cost for our first year: $2,454 …. oh my.. wow!

    My cost to buy Hope: $700
    Crate: $50
    Monthly worming $22 (Total $154)
    Vaccinations total:$100 (only had to pay for 2 as first one was free through the breeder along with the microchipping)
    Treats roughly $100
    Toys (shop bought/ebay etc) $100
    Emergency vets due to hip dislocation + care $700
    Collars: $70
    Dog Agility $45 ($20 to join and every time we went until the break over christmas and then Hopes accident)
    Registration with the Townsville City Council (yearly) $75
    Food -for a year: $360 ($30 a month)

    Dont even think twice πŸ™‚

  • Thanks for the website!! I've been looking for a coat for Kenji and the prices are unbeatable.

  • i kinda figure its your child, what ever it takes, i got a just in case credit card ,cause one never knows,never really tallied up a yearly cost,hard to figure with a big lab to lol, its like my car thing..if i added it be in trouble.. lets not go there πŸ™‚

  • Late to this thread πŸ™‚

    Have not tracked the costs ? Will be curious but worth it πŸ™‚

    Things we did not plan on πŸ™‚
    our well chewed massage chair πŸ™‚
    our now chewed leather couch
    the other chewed chair and carpet near the door
    My pressure washer that was sitting outside πŸ™‚
    Numerous kids toys our 3 year old now has a buzz light year that has no fingers πŸ™‚
    Our two large cushions are fluff pulling heaven or addiction for Hana
    two baby gates we had that were net ( had them before our pup)

    But the love she gives back and the joy are priceless

    I think the food and vets will be the cheap part πŸ™‚

  • I love this game - just to freak new people out. πŸ˜ƒ No not really, but I do think it's important to explain to people the cost of the dog is always the cheapest cost you will have.

    1st Year in US dollars:

    Pup: about $1300
    Return flight to Prague plus puppy on board = $300
    Vaccinations and first check ups= $193
    Food (for the year) = $536
    Collars and leashes (went through a few!) = $130
    Toys and accessories (including flight carrier) = $300
    Puppy Damages = $300
    Adult sized crate = $130
    Microchip Registration (like Home Again) = $50
    Emergency Care when she became septic and was hospitalized for over a week, antibiotics, scans, plus a biopsy and evaluation for a mass found = $10,000

    First year owning Lycia : $13,239

    But of course my time with her has been priceless - saying that - that's definitely a few months rent eh ? πŸ˜‰

  • I got my first two Basenjis in November of 1991. One was 10wks the other 8wks. Maggii was the 10wk old bitch, cost 450.00 (remember we are talking about back in 1991). OJ, 8wk old boy, cost 500.00. No travel since they were both from local breeders. Vet vists for regular shots 200.00 (for both). At 4 1/2 months Maggii climbed over a baby gate, got caught in the wire, fell and broke her front leg. ER visit 400.00. Specialist and TWO surgeries later 7500.00. She needed the first surgery to set the leg with a plate screwed on and the second because her growth plate closed too soon and had to be reopened. OJ, caught the "dog show crud" from Maggii when she was spending the days with her breeder when I was at work due to the cast on her leg. Too many Vet visits to count and we almost lost him… cost 1500.00. All before they were 6 months old. So not even counting things like food, crates, toys, etc the 1st 6 month cost was $10,150.00. Take off the price of the puppies and the total was $9,200.00. So the puppy price was a bargin!!!

    Would I have changed it? Not for all the tea in China!!!

  • For my own sanity, I've learnt over many years never to cost owning a Basenji!!!!

  • @Patty:

    For my own sanity, I've learnt over many years never to cost owning a Basenji!!!!

    Or any companion animal for that matter!!!!

  • I wish I had become a vetrinarian instead of a nurse! LOL

  • I haven't read the whole thread, but I understand a bit about the 'cost' of owning a basenji. It sometimes goes beyond what one might think of as 'normal' dog costs. I lost a lazyboy chair and quite a few clothes to my first fella. My second and current guy, not so much. I spent many dollars on their health; first guy had heartworm when I got him; just got past having a large fatty tumor removed from the leg of my current guy. I haven't been on the forum in a while but what I came on to say was; none of this matters…I had a pretty crappy day of a whole bunch of little things that amount to nothing individually, but taken together - crappy. When all was done and I came home, my boy was happy to see me, played with me, 'listened' to me and made me happy. That is priceless!

    BTW: Mods, I like the new color scheme, FWIW.

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