• Hello! My husband and I are the proud owners of our first basenji named Maverick (he is 8 mo.) …he has been the best thing we've ever decided on! I would love to have him see/meet up/interact with other basenjis that meet up for events, play, activities on a regular basis (once every couple months or so..). Any basenji groups relatively local to CT (we are in Danbury, CT)??? We would of course be willing to drive a bit on a weekend for a day full of fun and play for Maverick! 🙂 He is our pride and joy! Yep, Basenji's are THE BEST!

  • I have a 7 1/2 month old little girl, in North Haven and would love to play one day. Maybe Southbury O&G?

  • I met another basenji this weekend and we have a playdate tonight. Can't wait! Hope you can join us one day!

  • Hello!!! I would like to say that I think the little Basenji playdate went well- Lewie is snuggled up as we speak, gently snoring on the couch…

    This would be awesome to have a CT Basenji group- I always get jealous of some of pictures of larger Basenji meet-ups!!

  • Greta was quite tired when we got home! Thanks for playing Lewie! I was thinking about setting up a group for basenjis in CT on Meetup.com. Im wondering if anyone else would be interested enough that way we can get even more B's together.

  • Hey guys! That is great that you two found eachother and met up! We would LOVE to meet up very soon, when do you think you'll be getting together next? I know Maverick would love it, and cannot wait to see how he reacts/interacts with some of "his own" 🙂 Southbury dog park sounds good…..or where ever there's a fence! I know we are definitely available next weekend....
    Also, I think it's a great idea to get a CT based basenji group together and am definitely interested. Let me know if you get anything started! 🙂

  • I have drill the first weekend of October but the next weekend I'm free. Whatdya think?

  • We are definitely available either Sat. or Sun. the weekend of the 8th and would love to meet up….is Lewie available too? 🙂

  • Lewie is not available on the 8th (family thing…) but the 9th might work out. Let me check with Lewie's daddy to be sure...

  • Wonderful! The only thing I have to say negative about Southbury is that it's only fenced on three sides. The property is huge and I've never had a problem, even with my new little girl. If that makes either of you nervous I'm open to suggestions of other places to meet. Wethersfield Dog Park is a nice one also, and they have running water there.

  • I live in CT and I am currently looking to get a Basenji puppy. 🙂 Where did you get your puppies? How much did you pay for them?

  • My little girl is a BRAT (basenji rescue and transport) baby. She came from Virginia. You should check out their website.

  • Go to www.basenji.org and then to breeder referral. You can see all breeders that are current members of the Basenji Club of America and contact them about a puppy.

  • I would definitely prefer fenced as Lewie has a special place in his little basenji heart for motorcycles… Do either of you know a place that somewhere between our locations? Seems to be about 1 hr to all the parks Maverick's Mom has suggested...

  • Ah, that's right I forgot about that. Greta climbs right over fences anyways, she thinks they are "suggestions" as to where she should stay. I did a little research and found this park. http://www.fosdogpark.org/news/news.html It's in Shelton and I didn't see anything that said residents only, like the Trumbull park where you need a resident parking sticker. Probably 30-35 minutes for all of us.

  • So are we all down for meeting in Shelton? That would definitely be a better trip for us…



    We don't want to end up being the only basenji there

  • I'm down, and if Maverick can come Shelton will work. What time works for you two?

  • Sometime in the early afternoon?? Maybe 1ish? Still waiting to hear from Maverick's Mom….

  • 1:00 sounds good. I guess shelton if we hear from mavericks mom, or else Hamden if we don't.

  • Sounds like a plan… see you "somewhere" tomorrow

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