Atlanta dog sitter needed Labor Day weekend

  • I feel bad about asking this but I am in need of a major favor. I am the primary caretaker for my elderly mother and have been since 1995. Not only is her overall health poor but her mind is starting to go now. She will call me a dozen or more times a day on the days that I am not over there. It is a full time job to deal with her. I also currently have 9 dogs to care for. I am exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally and I really need a break.

    My birthday falls on Labor Day weekend which coincides with the yearly sci-fi convention in Atlanta, GA called Dragon Con. It is a 4 day event from Sept 2-5. I go every year but I always have to leave by about 4-5 pm to go home to take care of my dogs. This makes for extrememly long and tiring days. This year, a friend has offered to let me crash in their hotel room so I don't have to go home. I could really use a break from responsibilities for a few days but I just can't afford to board the dogs anywhere.. I was wondering if any of you would be interested in dogsitting a Basenji or two Sept 1-5?

  • Robyn, if I was closer I would help. Hope you get a chance to have a break from all you do.

  • Okay Robin, YOU GO TO DRAGON CON? OMG. Okay I am shocked. I love Dragon Con, but we are skipping this year and the the catalog came and the world will be there, so color me really envious. Staying there is the way to go, so much more fun. Which is why I didn't plan to go, just can't afford it this year.

    I would help, but I am supposed to go to TN that weekend as my sister just relocated from TX after 17 yrs. We have only gotten together 4 times in all that time. I do know great pet sitters but they are up this way. So I'll be gone the 2nd to 4th and sadly my husband is not competent enough to keep the dogs separated and Arwen would almost assuredly be an issue.

    That said, I absolutely can help out some other time. ((hugs)) And if Leora's schedule doesn't pan out, I can this one, but she won't know til toward the end of next week, which isn't much help.

  • I'm waaay over here on the west coast of Canada, so could be of no help to you. But as a caregiver myself, I know that 'a break' is not a nice to have, it's a MUST. All I wanted to say is that I really do hope that things work out for you so you can have a few days of 'fun for you'. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it all works out.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Okay Robin, YOU GO TO DRAGON CON? OMG. Okay I am shocked.

    Yes, every year. My biggest interests are Doctor Who, Firefly, Lexx, Torchwood, and a lot of BritTrack (British scir-fi). What things do you enjoy at Dragon Con?

    I love Dragon Con, but we are skipping this year and the the catalog came and the world will be there, so color me really envious. Staying there is the way to go, so much more fun. Which is why I didn't plan to go, just can't afford it this year.

    I wouldn't be going this year either but the tickets were a birthday gift.

  • @Kipawa:

    But as a caregiver myself, I know that 'a break' is not a nice to have, it's a MUST.

    Thank you, Fran. My family does not understand this, however, and I rarely get so much as a day off, much less an actual break.

    As to the dogs, in the past 10+ years, I have only been completely dog-free a grand total of 7 days, and for 3 of those days I was in the hospital.

    This is all my responsibility. I accept it and handle it to the best of my abilities but like you said, sometimes a break is a must. It's time.

  • I wish I were closer Robyn. I would take them all. They are crate trained, so it wouldn't be much of an issue, just letting them out in shifts.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    I wish I were closer Robyn. I would take them all. They are crate trained, so it wouldn't be much of an issue, just letting them out in shifts.

    I run all 9 of them together but pairs or trios would be easier for anyone else. Most of the dogs are pretty easy to live with but I do have two that are aggressive with strange dogs and would require separation from them. Rainie presents a wee bit of a challenge when it comes to fences. He likes to "perch" and view the world.

  • Yes, every year. My biggest interests are Doctor Who, Firefly, Lexx, Torchwood, and a lot of BritTrack (British scir-fi). What things do you enjoy at Dragon Con?

    OMG, lol. Babylon 5 (my alltime fave), Dr Who/Torchwood, Firefly, (Lexx at beginning not so much end), Stargate, Star Trek, Buffy (we rewatched all 7 seasons this summer), Eureka (they cancelled, this is last season), Sanctuary. Yes, I am a sci-fi fanatic. I also read– fave being Terry Goodkind and Sharon Lee's Liaden series (talk about polar opposites)-- but I also read the "Porn with Plot" (PWP) stuff like Sherilyn and Monica vampire and other stuff.
    I love Brit shows, sci fi and otherwise, Being Human (Brit not the US one), Red Dwarf
    Primeval, Merlin, Robin Hood, Black Adder, Vicar of Diblely, lol.

  • Any volunteers?

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