@helle-devi - I still do not recommend Lepto vaccine. Too many Basenjis have had reaction to it. That said, if you are in an area with high issues with Lepto, you need to weigh averages. Lepto is typically found around standing water and usually from other dogs.... How much of an increase? Is your Basenji usually on leash? And if you decide to get the vaccine I would make sure it is separate from any other vaccines by at least two to three weeks. Then if you have a reaction you know it is from the Lepto shot. Also you should do Titer Test before giving shots (except Rabies since that is required by laws of each state). Many times doing a titer test will show that a dog is fully covered and do not need a booster. My C-Me will be 12 on Christmas Eve. She had her 1yr booster and never has needed one since. My Franie (will be 12 in January) needed a booster at age 9.
Rabies Vaccine Probe MN 7/27/11 Fox News
Rabies Vaccine Investigation in Minnesota – Fox News 7/27/11 Veterinarians giving 3 year rabies vaccine every 2 years, features Dr. Ronald Schultz.
Investigators: Vets, Vaccines and Vagaries
http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpp/news/investigative/investigators-vet%2C-vaccines-and-vagaries-jul-27-2011All pet owners know it?s important to protect our four-legged friends from rabies, but how much is the veterinarian telling about that shot? The FOX 9 Investigators went undercover to find out if some clinics are taking financial advantage of pet owners by being vague about vaccines.
Read more: Investigators: Vets, Vaccines and Vagaries http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/dpp/news/investigative/investigators-vet%2C-vaccines-and-vagaries-jul-27-2011#ixzz1TObiZ1pK
States Consider Controlling Rabies Vaccination Intervals, by Edie Lau The Veterinary Information Network News Service 8/12/11 http://news.vin.com/VINNews.aspx?articleId=19501 "Concerns in Delaware and Minnesota about over-vaccination center around the practice by some small-animal veterinarians of administering every one or two years rabies vaccines that have been proven to be effective for three years."
Sigh, just wrong thinking isn't it?!
Sigh, just wrong thinking isn't it?!
Unfortunately, there are far too many uninformed pet owners who fall victim to these kind of practices.
The wrong thinking is vets, who KNOW (or shouldn't be practicing) that even your old generic 1 yr rabies vaccines last up to 10 yrs. The compromise of 3 yrs is a fair one. Yet they KEEP pushing vaccines for revenue. I find it sad the legal system instead of the AMVA pushes for them to stop it, but if that's what it takes, good. Let people know they are getting ripped off and their dogs overvaccinated.
Makes you wonder what the vet schools are teaching too!