Well every time he goes pee or poo outside I say in an excited voice "good boy basil!"… with children I can say "oh wow, I see that you're helping your friend... great job!"... a dog doesn't really understand that. I just don't understand how to apply it to biting is the problem. Another example... I work with a child with down syndrome and we have a difficulty getting him to eat a good portion of his lunch. I will use a treat like food that he likes (pretzels, goldfish) to get him to eat his main meal... like veggies and meat. If he eats a piece of meat or veggie then he gets one treat. This I would consider bribing but a kind of positive reinforcement. With Basil biting... if I give him a treat for not biting... won't he think he's just getting a treat for no reason? Like there isn't a direct relation to the behavior. Does anyone understand what I mean?
But your pup understands the tone in your voice.
Also, can you narrow down his behavior right before he attacks your feet? Is it when he just wakes up? around 6pm every night? right before dinner? after dinner? etc. if you can do that, you can then re-direct his behavior before the nibble-fest begins and reward him for doing something else. Sitting nicely comes to mind.
I also think he's not getting enough exercise/mental stimulation. If he were getting more exercise, I think you'd see a decrease of this behavoir. But, positive does not equal permissive and were he my puppy, I'd try giving him a time-out for this behavior. 3-5 minutes in the crate is plenty of time for a time out. But also increase his excercise/training/mental stimulation.