• @DebraDownSouth:

    Well, take this comfort. My other breeds are Chows and Rotties.
    I get more grief and ignorance over Chows than I will ever get for Rotties and Basenji's combined and multiplied by 1000000.

    Chows, who bless their hearts simply do not want to be abused and make the greatest of pets in the right home, guardians of children and utter loves. But most people only meet the poorly bred, stupidly owned. Well even poorly bred… honest I have done hundreds of shelter evaluations on Rotties and Chows. Stability wise, the chows are almost always okay, the rotties not so much. But it doesn't matter... we have homes for 10 rotties before one chow. Which is why there are so few chow rescues and why the massive rescue here in GA of nearly 100 chows were transported to a rescue in NY.

    My sis has had 2 male chows (those have passed away) and is now on their 3rd chow, a blue female. She is 6 years old now, and she has never been anything but a delight (same as the 2 males were). People are always surprised when they meet Beatrice - comments like "wow, what a mellow chow'. I totally agree about 'poorly bred' and 'stupidly owned', and that applies to any dog, really.

  • Well said Fran!

  • **B's are just like people when it comes to personalities. Some are happy all the time and some aren't. My Peanut was the happiest, most fun lovin rascal ever, but now my Zander is a grouch. Been that way since the start and it's not something any of us can change.

    As for what that person has heard in the past. Just like when someone has a bad experience at a business, 10x as many people hear about it as do when they have a good experience.**

  • I wish those folks could have met my Black Magic. She was such a love. She lived to be 17 1/2 before crossing the bridge. She grew up with my kids. My son used her as a walking aid when he started to pull up on furniture, if she was closer her would pull up on her, pull on her collar and even her ears occasionally, we corrected that quickly. She never growled or grumped at a child. When Duane was home she would lay in a spot and an electrician or plumber could come in do their thing and then leave. But, if Duane was not in the house and I was crazy enough to allow a stranger into her house with her kids, I had to hold onto her collar and then onto her, she wanted them out and made certain they knew it. Learned to let my hubby schedule people into the house while he was there, if I was gone and he was there, no problem, guess I did not rate high on being protective enough in her eyes. She was mine and I still miss her.

  • @tanza:

    Note the other thread on temperament. It was a known fact many years ago that Basenjis would bite first, ask questions later.

    I hear this from time to time and smile. My first Basenji that I had in 1966 had the best temperament of any of them. She was absolutely fine with anyone and everyone, loved children, was aloof but not snarky with adults, and I could take her anywhere. My Mom took her on a Humane Society tag day, lots of strangers patting her and when one picked her up she yodeled! If I disturbed her when she was sleeping, she would grumble, and if I picked her up when she was comfortable she would snarl…...sounded like a fire engine.....but she would never nip or bite.

    I have never known a Basenji that wouldn't snark if you disturb them when they are comfortable, but most of mine were all noise, no action.

    Like most breeds, there are good and bad. I think one reason people get the impression they are nasty is that most Basenjis will stand on their dignity and don't suffer personal disrespect gladly. You generally can't take liberties with one that doesn't know you.

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