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It's too early Mom!

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  • Here's Ziggy

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    If you leave things in their reach (any puppy/young dog) will get into trouble.... pick things up.... put them away, they do not know the difference between their toys/chews and things like remotes/glasses/etc... they have your scent on them. You have to work on crate training if you can't secure a place for them.
  • Dad's On Duty & Mom Has the Camera!!! UH OH :)

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    Aw thanks Basenjimamma! Yeah Mav does that too its soo funny, I always have to help him to get the itch! lol. Does anyone else have pics/video of that? Itd be cute to see!!
  • She's Home!!

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    Thanks all! She was perfect again last night. I put her to bed at half 10 and she slept through til half 7 this morning (i had a lazy one this morning lol), not a sound from her!! She had her first vaccination last night, the vets and nurses LOVED her!!
  • It's the TWINS…

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    I had never her of "Best Brace" before. That is really interesting! They seem like the perfect pair! They are beautiful and quite the matched set. Thanks for sharing.
  • That's Benji

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    pretty boy! keep em coming!
  • More resting but on Mom's bed

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    Mom calls him my little shadow as he is always at my heels. If I get up to go to the bathroom, he follows me to the door and then stops. When I go to another room, even if he is sleeping in his bed or mine, he is up like a flash and right there! We have had a few bouts of separation anxiety but overall he is getting the idea that if I go out, I will come back. Mom did have a scare when I went out and forgot to close the garage door. She didn't know the door was up and opened the door to the garage to put some trash in the can. Beeji shot out of the door and headed out the garage door. Mom tried to call him back but he had taken off. She called me on my cell and was very upset. I was too but didn't let her know. I headed home and we sat on the front porch. It was about 5 minutes later and he came running up to the porch. I opened the front door and he came inside. I tried to keep it low key so he wouldn't get the idea that running would get lots of attention but it was hard not to want to grab him and never let go. I am extra careful about the garage door now. Whenever the door to the garage opens, Beeji dashes out tothe garage. I don't say much just wait a second and then he runs back in. The past couple of days, I have been using the backdoor from the garage to go out into the fenced backyard so I think he is getting it that the garage is not a way to "escape" But he still has to go check to see if the door is up or not.