• I agree with you…if dogs don't go to heaven, it's not a place I want to go. But I believe that Dinah will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for you when it's time for you to make that journey and you'll cross over together.

    In the meantime, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Dinah.

  • Beautifully written. I understand this kind of bond with an animal. Our times with them are never long enough. Cherish the time you do have left with Dinah, and know that when the time comes, it will not be the last time you see her. Bless you both.

  • Hugs for your loss. You and your beloved b will be together again, when its your time.
    I do truly believe that.
    Hugs, hugs, hugs.

  • Thank you, all, for your kind encouragement.

    I'm a guy who's known for living in my head. One of the greatest gifts of Dinah, is that she has managed to soften my heart like sunshine melts butter.

    It's a good thing. Joy has never been so bright. But sadness has also never been so dark, either.

    As for that rainbow bridge - I agree, because looking around me, I see that God loves to paint with great sweeps of color.

    And I suspect Basenjis were created by His happy laughter.

  • When I lost our Mickii, a good friend told me this "She will always be with you, because you carry her soul in your heart"

    I have held that close for all of mine that have crossed the rainbow bridge, so I know they have a soul

  • Thank you for sharing your story of Dinah and your life together. Her spirit will stay with you, forever. That you found each other is a great thing, she was obviously destined for you, as she survived such horrible early treatment and fought so hard to just survive.

    I hope she has a very gentle crossing to the Rainbow Bridge, when her time comes. She will be waiting there for you.

  • What a beautiful tribute! I hope you'll opt to stick around because I think you have a wonderful way with words.

    As far as animals and heaven, I guess it's a personal thing, but I am sure my God loves me and would not separate me from something I love as much as I love my pups. To do so would not be an act of love.


  • Thank you for this beautiful tribute. To love a basenji is to understand every single word that was so perfectly written. God bless you both.

  • Dinah is indeed a special lady. I do hope her passing will be peaceful and pain free. She deserves a quiet time. I'm sure that animals have a soul and I do know from experience that they are always with us. I am surrounded with lovely memories of all mine who have passed on.

  • My heart breaks reading your wonderful story of Dinah - it is so clear she is a huge part of your heart -you will have such wonderful memories of her when it is her time to give up the pain. I also do not believe dogs don't have souls - of course they do - the unconditional love they give, the way they try to help when you are emotionally suffering, the joy they get when they see you coming after a separation - all these and more are proof they are very soulful. A loving companion dog is God's gift. All our hearts are with you, and our tears flow with yours. God bless.

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