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Binti's first marrow bone! Yum!!

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  • I am getting such a kick out of living with a basenji.

    Binti both hides things AND collects things. I find her rawhide chewy sticks EVERYWHERE: under the clothes in the dirty laundry hamper, half way down the basket of clean towels, in my bed, stuck in the folds of the couch, under rugs, behind the TV. And she collects a pile of things (except her rawhide chewy's) in one spot under the pool table: milk jugs from the recycling, a variety of shoes, stuffed animals, pens stolen from the ceramic pot on my night stand, eye glasses, chess pieces, even my son's 6 ft. walking stick. She is busy all the day going about her own important life. I just love her. :)

  • My b's love the marrow bones. Its a good treat.

  • Mine loves'em to..I usually keep a few bags in the freezer (as I buy them RAW) and they love them fresh out of they are still a pop..
    Pippin likes to collect shoes, toiletpaper, yarn (oh my G..does he love yarn, preferably all pulled out and made into a mess ;)), my kiddos toothbrushes..etc..i.e things that does not belong to him..

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