Saliva Screening for possible food intolerances
Thanks for sharing this, Pat. Good to know that if you've exhausted all attempts at determining your dog's food allergies on your own, you can go to this next step (or choose to do this as the first step).
Exactly, just more knowledge for the pet owners to use if desired.
Interesting. If anyone else tries this, I would love to get some feedback.
As I understand it, food sensitivities are hard to diagnose accurately. There's skin allergy testing, where a panel of fur is shaved off and different allergens are tested directly on the dog, which I was told often registers false positives. And there's something like VARL Liquid Gold Serum allergy testing, which still requires a blood draw. I guess they can test for food allergies as well, but again, I don't know how accurate that is. So I've been told that the best way to test for food allergies is still to try an elimination diet.
It would be wonderful if there was a rigorous set of tests that could just tell you definitively what food your dog is allergic to! So if this test does it… cool.
I'll definitely keep this in mind. Thanks for sharing, Pat.