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Shaun and Mbali: feeling better!

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  • We are not sure if it was the bird-feeder or not? Mbali was sick again this afternoon which was disappointing. But this evening she was full of beans again. We gave her a jar of baby food (chicken) which she ate with great gusto. She ate a little fresh grass this afternoon which might have made her sick again? I understand spring grass is sweet and enticing for dogs. Its hard to know if they eat grass to make them sick or if they get sick because they ate grass?

    When they are healthy and naughty we like to joke that we are ready to box them up and ship them off to Timbukto. But its hard not to feel awful when they are sickly…

  • Sick or not, they are absolutely beautiful! A little bird told me the Shaun did well at a show not long ago, right? Yay!!! Feel better soon :)

  • Yes he did! At the AKC PDFC (in Washington State) he won back to back (both days) First Prize, Best of Breed Bred by Exhibitor, Winners and then Best Of Winners. Shaun is now 15 months old and this was hist first real competition other than his test show last summer as a puppy.

    This came as a total surprise as we were not even sure he was actually entered and we had done zero preparation. Shaun grumbled all the time and was nervous but still managed to really impress two judges.

    We had to get up at 4am both days to make the 1-hour ferry ride to get there for the 8am Basenji start time. If these shows always begin alphabetically our next dog will be a Yorkie…

  • Glad to hear they are feeling better settlemax.
    Also sorry to hear your boys have been ill jonny b

  • Thank you! They are improving daily. :) which means MUCH better and less cleaning up. ugggghhh. cottage cheese is now a favorite of both boys, too.

  • Cara would eat bird food til she exploded. A friend of mine had to have surgery when her dog got into a feeder. So I have to make sure Cara can't get to the food. I have a big back window feeder but only shells dropped out and I sweep and check routinely… so she only gets a little. But if I am eating (I am addicted) sunflower seeds, she MUST have a few. I figure a few are roughage, lol. When I spill any while filling the window one, I have to get it up or she'll vacuum the floor for me.

    But the suet fat may be the tummy upset. They are lovely dogs! And congrats on the show!

    jonny b, why cottage cheese? Yogurt has a lot of healthy bacteria, but cottage cheese just provides calcium. For diarrhea, yogurt and rice may work better.

  • So far the tummy progress is two steps forward, one step back. Just when we think all is well, someone is heaving up all over the floor again.

    We are on plain boiled chicken breast, white rice, and mushy turkey baby food from a jar. The rice is getting the big thumbs-down though…

  • Shaun, sorry this has not moved forward as quickly as we all have hoped.

  • Did you cook the rice with the meat? Sometimes sprinkling a little garlic in it or Molly Mcbutter or such might help. Dang, hope this clears up soon.

  • I think we will be taking both of them to the vet tomorrow. Just to be sure.

    They are definitely better: they play, they walk nicely, they cuddle with us, they seem normally happy now.

    But their poops are still very "liquidly" and every now and then there is the worst puke puddle on the floor. I am feeding them "plain food" but they are not as interested. I think this is a thing that needs to run its course. But we want to be sure we not missing anything…

  • On grass… lol the research shows... they don't know. They think they eat it because they like it. Then people say "but they threw up so they must have been sick and ate it." Nope, too much grass can make them throw up. In fact one of my Rotties had to have surgery due to impaction from grass. His owners had to keep the yard cut nearly to the ground to stop him after that (and the $2000 bill).

  • Better that they get a check up at the vets as this doesn't seem to clear up. Might they have licked the bird poop as well as the feed? I know that birds can carry disease.

    I would haven't have thought suet would cause caused an ongoing problem. Let us know what the vet decides please.

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