• Last summer my doctor told me I needed to get more exercise - so I figured it was about time to get another B. I bought my first one when I was 15 (almost 30 years ago!) I fell in love with the breed after seeing the movie "Goodbye My Lady".

    I looked around at breeders, but knowing that I was several months late, didn't hold out much hope of finding one until the next Winter. I sent out a couple of emails to breeders with no response. The day before I found this forum a 4 year old red and white female was listed on the site. The previous owner had had a new baby and the B was not getting along with it - I think that the baby was getting all of the attention and the B felt quite displaced. After several e-mails and a discussion with my family, we decided that we would take her in. We arranged a flight on Continental, and had her flown from Texas to Utah. She had some problems with her teeth (had a couple of broken ones) that we had fixed, and she had been on a diet of canned food, and had a habit of drinking from the toilet. Her coat was quite coarse, and she was just slightly underweight. She took right to some high quality dry food, and with a clean dish of water available, never again touched a toilet bowl! She only had a couple of accidents in the house the first month, but has been perfect since then. In fact, this has been the best behaved B I have ever had (out of three). We have a regular schedule of walks, culminating in her "9 o'clock walk" before she settles down for the night, and she and I log between 2-5 miles a day depending on the weather (though I have to admit the mileage went down to a couple of walks around the block when it was 9 degrees!). I think the walking schedule has a lot to do with her good behavior - like they say, a tired basenji is a good basenji.

    To all of you who have put in so much work keeping this website up, and all of you who have supported it - THANK YOU! We love our B so much - she's our forever sweetheart!

  • I am so very happy to hear that that wonderful B got a loving home from you. It makes me feel good to know that there are good people out there to take those who were rejected from their homes.

  • That is great! Congratulations!

  • Wonderful rescue story…I'm so happy for both of you!

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