In your position, where you really have to take her out a lot, I understand. And I hope her comfort continues. My point was it is situational need, not dog need to be that social. 🙂 I have a slim chance of that having worked with my current 2, but with my incredibly dog aggressive first one, I'd have been out in a basket muzzle and warning everyone to keep their dogs away.
New dog DVD rental site
I had a friend on facebook refer this site todya. It looks great for trying out the various DVDs. I have been buying one dvd every couple of months and really like having DVD training to help me with my classes. When I first started doing rally there were no classes within 200 miles and I learned everying from a DVD, even took 2nd place in rally novice at the whippet nationals with my girl.
That looks like a great site! Thanks for sharing it.
- has videos on demand. mostly agility-related videos, but they also have the control unleashed stuff.