Hunting Dogs of Ancient Egypt - UK show needs your entries!

  • I wonder if you could do 'Hunting Dogs' a favour and circulate the

    following around your e mail list in order to try and drum up some

    The Secretary, Grant Carter tells me that sadly, the entry of Basenjis at
    Hunting Dogs is very poor - just five dogs, (one of the judges has just
    dog.). Judges are Anthony Rees and Celia Mortlock, both with Hound
    backgrounds and C list judges in the breed looking for more experience.

    If somebody has missed the entry date, or somebody who may like to add an
    entry, Grant would be more than happy to accept a late entry if it would
    boost the numbers for the judges concerned.

    He says he would need to have them by Thursday 24th at the very latest
    that he does still have schedules if anybody needs one. Failing all this
    people could drop Grant an e mail say they want to enter if they can't
    it to him by Thursday.

    Contact details are;

    Grant Carter - Hon. Secretary, Hunting Dogs of Ancient Egypt.

    Home e-mail home tel. 0121-353-1096

    work e-mail

  • I had planned to enter this but we have my pugs first show the same day. Will have to see if my mums happy to show him and then maybe enter Maya…

  • Lol.. I would love to volunteer, if I knew one thing about showing a dog. 😉

  • Scott, where and when is this show?

  • Theresa - its probably a bit far for us Scots to go for an open show - its held in The Vilage Hall, Baginton, near Coventry on Sunday 17th April.

  • Hunting Dogs of Ancient Egypt used to be a very good show and well supported by Basenji people. Entries have been dropping there for some time now for all the usual reasons. It's such a shame.

    I definitely won't be going this year as we are supporting a local Open show on that day. I've no knowledge of the judges and I'm surprised that they still split the classes between two judges when commonly Basenji entries are low.

  • The dog judge loves basenjis and has done well for Maya in the past (so he's not against tri's!), I dont know who the bitch judge is though.

    Unfortunately, we have 5 dogs entered at the other open show so it will need both of us to handle them all and I wont be able to enter this one 😞

  • Thanks Scott, i realised it was way too far for us. Shame really. I wish more big shows were held north of the border.

  • Lukris, HDAE is is no longer a big show unfortunately, it has been going for many years and used to be supported by most of the then Basenji exhibitors.

    Numbers have declined severely and hence this years entries. I find that nowadays UK exhibitors seldom support open shows to any great extent. Very sad and not conducive to judges gaining experience.

    I can remember the time when Basenjis outnumbered Beagles in the show ring!!!

  • I would love to go but unfortunatly it's just to far from Devon if there was another exibiter from the west country we could share expences but there is'nt

  • As a matter of interest I've just found an old Hunting Dogs of Ancient Egypt catalogue (1974) and there were 47 Basenjis representing nearly half of the total entries! How times have changed!

  • It is sad that the numbers have reduced so much. We enter lots of open shows up here in Scotland since there are few Basenji classes anyway here. There are only two Championship shows in Scotland with CCs on offer too. We try to make as many shows south of the border as possible but with fuel costs etc it's just impossible.

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