Dexer- puny pup?
He is so darn cute…I bet all is good, and chances are that he is fine and just on the small size..
I'm interested to see how much he weighs when we bring him to the vet.
If you have a scale, weigh yourself and then pick up Dexter and weigh the both of you. The difference will be Dexter's weight. This is what I do weekly to check Kipawa's weight.
Didn't the vet weigh him?
Thanks :) I definitely do not value him any less whatsoever. The thought of him being any less perfect to me never even crossed my mind, no matter where he came from. He is still a little piece of precious life.
And, DebraDownSouth, I mentioned that we hadn't brought him yet; we are bringing him when my fiance gets home. -
Our Bitty (AKA Itty Bitty Basenji) is now 5 yo and weighs in at a grand 15 1/2 lbs. She also does not have the forehead wrinkles but she is the best loved and spoiled dog in our pack. It never matters what they look like or how big they get it's how they are in your heart that matters.;)
Well, we just got back from the vet. He was an even 6lbs. No one but the vet himself recognized his breed, but EVERYONE kept complimenting him. He even sat still on the scale when I told him to even though he was so terribly interested in playing with the 4 other pups only feet away from him. Everyone was impressed with that. :)
Poor sweetheart is recuperating with a sprawled out sleep. <3 -
Dolce turned out to be the runt of Robyn's last litter with some of her siblings dwarfing her by close to 10 lbs. But she is by far they prettiest and sweetest of the litter, I know I am biased. She shows great heart during lure coursing and she doesn't take crap from any other dog no matter how big they are! Just goes to show great things come in small packages.
Our Katie was the runt of her litter and lived to almost 16 at just 13 lbs of basenji.
My girl Scarlett is a little on the small/thin side as well…at almost 6 months she is about 14lbs (a guess from her last vet visit about a month ago she was 12lbs or so), all legs, ears and happy baroooos! I had a great breeder so no worries there and her vet check was good as well. I am okay with her being a little on the smaller side...makes it easier at night when she is snuggling up to us in bed, usually between legs!
Have you ever turned your back for a few minutes and then turned back around to notice they aren't there anymore only to find them in the next room with a fully unrolled roll of TP all spread out in a mass of basenji devilishness…priceless I tell you, priceless!:D BTW, they usually give you that "what's with you look, I'm having fun" when you find them!
Hahaha, Nooo. We keep all of the doors closed so that he only has access to the living room, kitchen, dining room, and hall….UNTIL one of us slips up, then I suppose we shall experience the TP issue haha. When I caught him right after he pulled the playstation down I swear his face said "Well, See? That's what you get for leaving me in here with no one to play with!" :)