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Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Oh, hugs and good wishes.
    We are here to support you and your beloved boy.

  • Oh, I am so sorry…praying it is just an infection..praying hard. Please keep us posted.

  • I know you are in Canada so this is a long shot, but have you by any chance been in the southwestern U.S. (California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah) or northern Mexico with your dog recently…before the coughing started?

    If not, then ignore this; but if you have, your vet should draw some blood and have it tested for Valley Fever (the fungus Coccidioides).

  • @LindaH:

    I know you are in Canada so this is a long shot, but have you by any chance been in the southwestern U.S. (California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah) or northern Mexico with your dog recently…before the coughing started?

    If not, then ignore this; but if you have, your vet should draw some blood and have it tested for Valley Fever (the fungus Coccidioides).

    LindaH, thank you so much for a heads up. Kipawa was born in Washington state and then came up to BC, and we haven't travelled with him to the areas you mention.

    But this brings up a thought - is there somewhere on the Internet that you can look at to see if there are any dog related illnesses happening that you can be aware of, or perhaps pre-medicate before you travel?

  • @Kipawa:

    But this brings up a thought - is there somewhere on the Internet that you can look at to see if there are any dog related illnesses happening that you can be aware of, or perhaps pre-medicate before you travel?

    Fran, I'm not aware of any such site, but would also be interested in knowing if such a site exists since we do a lot of traveling.

    Unfortunately, as far as Valley Fever is concerned, there is no vaccination available to prevent it…just treatment once the person or dog gets the disease.

    Most vets in the affected areas should be aware of this disease; however, I'm sure some aren't, so just like Fanconi and other diseases, we need to be advocates for our dogs. One of the problems with Valley Fever are for those people and dogs who visit the southwestern U.S. (think Snowbirds) and then don't become ill until they return home. Doctors and vets elsewhere may not have ever heard of Valley Fever and certainly aren't on the lookout for it.

    Here are some good websites regarding Valley Fever, both in people and dogs: (Includes maps of the affected areas…click on Maps and History in the upper right-hand corner.) (Includes a section on Valley Fever in Dogs.)

  • We just lost our Cory and he had the cough and cancer, we had to let him go to the bridge. It is a hard decision to make and I miss him every day. Do what is best for your boy, no matter how hard it is on you. God Bless.

  • Deschroedter, my condolences on the loss of your Cory.

  • @deschroedter:

    We just lost our Cory and he had the cough and cancer, we had to let him go to the bridge. It is a hard decision to make and I miss him every day. Do what is best for your boy, no matter how hard it is on you. God Bless.

    I'm so sorry that you lost your Cory. Losing a pet is incredibly painful. Hugs to you and bones for Cory where he runs free over the Rainbow Bridge.

  • :( I am so sorry to hear you lost your dog.

  • This gives me comfort I hope it does for you as well. Hugs….
    From a Grateful Dog

    You're giving me a special gift,
    So sorrowfully endowed,
    And through these last few cherished days
    Your courage makes me proud.

    But really, love is knowing
    When your best friend is in pain
    And understanding earthly acts
    Will only be in vain.

    So looking deep into your eyes,
    Beyond into your soul,
    I see in you the magic that will
    Once more make me whole.

    The strength that you possess
    is why I look to you today
    To do this thing that must be done,
    For it's the only way.

    That strength is why I've followed you
    And chose you as my friend,
    And why I've loved you all these years...
    My partner till the end.

    Please understand just what this gift
    You're giving means to me.
    It gives me back the strength I've lost,
    And all my dignity.

    You take a stand on my behalf,
    For that is what friends do,
    And know that what you do is right,
    For I believe it, too.

    So one last time, I breathe your scent
    And through your hand I feel
    The courage that's within you
    To grant me this appeal.

    Cut the leash that holds me here,
    Dear Friend, and let me run,
    Once more a strong and steady dog,
    My pain and struggle done.

    And don't despair my passing
    For I won't be far away;
    Forever here, within your heart
    And memory I'll stay.

    I'll be there watching over you,
    Your ever-faithful friend,
    And in your memories I'll run...
    A young dog once again.
    (author not known)

  • Henna420, will certainly be sending a prayer heavenwards for good news for Rosie and that he responds to treatment. Miracles happen.

    The poem posted above was written by an American, Karen Clouston. This poem has special meaning for me, and I am unable to read it without tearing up. Someone posted it on the Basenji-L last year only weeks before I had to make the decision for my "Good Dog", shepherd mix Sassy. It described what I was experiencing exactly. May it bring comfort to all who have lost a good friend.

  • Hello all. I have a sad news to report. I got Ultra Sound done fo my boy today. It turns out he has lung cancer:( There is nothing that can be done. Im trying to keep strong. Its not easy. He is my kid. I hope and pray he doesnt suffer. Please pray fo same.
    Thanks again for everything.

  • Henna420, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog's diagnosis.

  • You are both in my prayers, I had the same result with my Cory. Make your heart strong and do what is in the boy's best interest. It hurt, it still hurts, but I know Cory is not suffering any longer, he is with the rest of our pack at the bridge waiting for us. That brings comfort to my heart, even as I still leak tears at the oddest things that remind me of him. God speed as you make this last journey together. Dawn

  • oh my..I am so sorry to hear this..prayers are with you all.

  • Henna420 - I'm only just catching up with postings.

    I'm so sorry about your lovely boy and yes I'll be praying hard that he's not in pain and will have a kind end.

    My heart goes out to you.

  • Henna420 - I am so, so sorry. I so wished you would get different news. My heart hurts for you. Will keep you and Rosie in my prayers. Sending you both hugs.

  • I am so very sorry. :( ((Hugs and love)) I wish we could do more than simply let you know we have all been there and understand.

  • My boy Arnie who is 10 years old has a cough but I rarely hear it and it is mostly at night when laying down. The x-ray was abnormal. He was put on antibiotics for 14 days and the second x-ray showed a little improvement after 6 days. He had a coughing episode-4-6 coughs on Tuesday and he is scheduled for another vet appt. on Friday which will after 10 days of antibiotics. Dr. Tracy did mention cancer at the first x-ray.

    He has had some strange blood results last year and the feeling was that he had an autoimmune problem. He was on Prednisone last year for a number of months and I weaned him off of it because I did not see any improvement. He may also have Cushings as his Urine Cortisol/Creatine test indicated it. I am waiting for the lung problem to be cleared up before he goes for the Low Dose Dex Suppression Test to verify the Cushings.

    For those whose dogs had lung cancer and/or cough, what is the next step? I am concerned that the x-ray on Friday will not show any improvement.


  • Sorry, its been a while since i last visited. Its been a very tough experience loosing our boy. For those who don't know…

    We had a 10yr old wonderful and handsome M Basenji named Rosie'. During the course of last year we noticed that he loved chewing on grass. And he would come in and try to cough and clear his throat. We checked with the Vet and he said that some dogs are like that. So, everything was normal.

    On Jan 26th, my wife and i went on 10 days vacation. A few days after we came back noticed he was coughing more and more. Took him to the Vet and he told us Rosie's lungs and heart sounded good but monitor his coughing. I posted this and some friends here asked not to ignore it and get xray done. I took Rosie back 2 days later and asked for the xray and blood test. Both came back abnormal. The vet right away arranged for ultra sound. Ultra sound showed that Rosie had lung cancer and it has spread all over. The Dr, who did the ultra sound, was shocked cause Rosie showed no signs (physically) of being a sick. He looked healthy as ever. Whats next i asked the Dr? He re-did the ultra sound in front of me so i could see how bad of shape he was in. Thank God he did that because i wouldn't have believed when he told me that Rosie won't last more than a week.
    A day after Rosie's cough got really bad. By now, he knew that his cough gets worse when there is pressure on his lungs. So, he refused to sit or lay down. The next two days were the toughest. The only way he got some rest or sleep is when my wife and i took turns holding him in our arms.
    I had kept asking the vet when and how will we know when its time. Because we didn't want him to suffer and didn't want to be selfish either. If any one has been through that knows its tough. The vet kept telling me that we will know. He will tell us.
    Sunday night Rosie was standing infront of us and looked at us in a way he had never done. We knew....I took him in the next day and held him in my arms as he went to a long peaceful sleep.
    We asked for Rosie to be cremated. Our focus now became to make sure our F Basenji Henna is taken care of. She was fine for the first two days. I took her with me when i went to pick up Rosie's ashes. Henna changed as soon as i brought the ashes back in the car. The very active and excited Henna drove home quite. We had the ashes home for the next two days and Henna stayed the same. Missed her meal the first day. Her was no longer curved. She stayed in her crate. Now we were worried about her. According to our religion we are to spread ashes in a flowing river but Rosie was terrified of water. So, we decided to spread his ashes in our backyard, and trails where he loved going for walks. We took Henna with us as we did this. She has been much better since we came back home that day. I think she does miss him as we do. It will be a long time before our lives go back to normal again But he will never be forgotten.

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