Selling Used Cars In Russia

  • I knew it. They will stoop to anything for treats.

  • oh my, is that a current ad?

  • LOL dog is cut but chick looks like a guy in drag.

  • Interesting ad. I don't think they'd use basenjis to sell cars here. Does anybody remember the US tv ad featuring a basenji several years ago? I can't remember what it was for. wendy's maybe???

  • Houston

    What a cool ad..I want to know too, is it current?

  • I don't think it is a current. Looks like 60s or 70s to me :).

  • There was a basenji in a Ford ad just last year…..

  • It looks like an old ad from the car, the hairstyle and the Basenji. I think a Basenji could sell anything! To me any way!

  • @Kebasmom:

    There was a basenji in a Ford ad just last year…..

    Missed that one!:eek::)

  • There was a black & white basenji in an ad for those swim-current pools a couple of years ago, he was running along the side of it. Just a glimpse.

  • @MacPack:

    There was a black & white basenji in an ad for those swim-current pools a couple of years ago, he was running along the side of it. Just a glimpse.

    This is one that I remember…the Basenji looks like 'please don't put me in that pool'

  • Tried to find the commercial but found the post instead:


    Smile Ford Commercial
    Has anyone noticed that the woman who drives the red Ford on the Swap My Ride commercial is shown with a tri-color basenji on a leash at the end of the commercial?! The B is facing away from the camera and is on the ground by the car. You can see the curly tail and pointy ears!!

  • @MacPack:

    There was a black & white basenji in an ad for those swim-current pools a couple of years ago, he was running along the side of it. Just a glimpse.

    I posted about that one on the forums in this area, I think. Someone else posted a link to the video. 🙂
    Pretty sure I titled it "Is that a B I see?"

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