Pippin is going nuts while crated…

  • At the beginning Ayo cried a bit sometimes. I read somewhere that they would cry and then quiet down within about twenty minutes. That if they cried for longer than that, then maybe you shoud try something else. But within that time frame the advice was to just leave him. If you keep coming back to check on him , or he hears that you are near he will cry. Ayo still does this, he is fine crated if he knows im leaving but if I hang around and he hears my voice he starts calling for me to take him out. Which is another thing you shouldn't do. Never take him out if his crying or restless. Try to wait till he calms down a least somewhat so he gets it that crying isnt gonna make you release him. Like children, they learn cause and effect. Hope this helps… Also I find that I have to repeat things with Ayo regularly even if I dont need to, just to keep him used to it. For example. For a while I didnt have the crate with me and I would just leave him in the bedroom , without the crate, and I noticed that he was getting used to not having a crate, so I went and got the crate , even though I can leave him in the bedroom, I crate him just so he stays used to it..

  • @tanza:

    One trick I use for eating (in crates always) is that if they are not eating, when the time is up, I open the crates and let the other eat the food the one is leaving. Trust me, once or twice of this… and they will ate rather then let one of the others have it.

    +1 on this. Pat gave me this advice when I Liyah was going thru a phase of playing instead of eating. I let Ruby in Liyah's crate to eat the meal that Liyah was ignoring - it was the last time Liyah skipped a meal. One thing I would add though is be sure that whatever dog you let in isn't even slightly a resource guarder as that would likely be a problem. That was why Ruby was allowed in and not Brando. I did the same trick with Ozzy the other night - he dumped his dinner as he wanted out. Consequently I let Liyah in his crate to clean up…He's now back to being a perfect eater. 😃

    Oh and with the car crating - doesn't the xc90 have lash/tie points in the way back (I know the xc60 did when I looked into ordering one in the summer). Just get some bungy cords (walmart or an auto parts store) and hook those to the crate and lash points to secure your crates. Super easy with bungy cords to take crates in and out if need be. I also put chew toys/treats in the car crates that they only get in the car, so that is an additional interest to them.

    I'm wondering if part of Pippin's issue with the crates is that his first main experience (even though with a sherpa) was on a plane and the noise might have been a little traumatizing to him.

  • Houston

    I had no issues with him eating today in his crate, but if he does give me some I will send Luna our yorkie/schnauzer mix in, she is not a resource guarder at all…but so far so good.
    I did order another wire crate for the car, bigger than the plastic one I use right now and since wire seems harder to tip over I think it will be a good thing..but yes the xc90 does have tiepoints I could use if I need it. I am now thinking maybe the new style crate I got him is scary to him..when you go to close the garage style door it makes a metal on metal racket, could be unnerving to say the least. I ordered the standard two door style midwest crate that Otis had and that Moses has, although Moses' is much larger..
    As far as the plane flight and sherpa..maybe ..but he slept 12 of the 14 or so hours he was on traveling foot..not a peep came out of him once..so if he was scared he never showed it. He sat in the seat next to my brother during the whole trip as supposed to on the floorboard.

  • I'm all for crate feeding. The crate needs to be associated with something 'good'.

    Kipawa was doing the whining when we first crated him. He did not settle down. As Dmey mentioned, I would not let him out until he had settled down. Now, after feeding, I leave the crate door open with a few good toys in it. Kipawa is choosing to go into the crate on his own during the day to play with the toys.

    If I have to leave the house, even with my husband at home, we crate Kipawa, as Kipawa moves tons faster than my hubby in his wheelchair :). Darrel tells me that Kipawa whines for about 10 solid minutes, then settles down and naps, then whines again, then settles down…. This repeats itself until I get home.

    Then, when I let him out of his crate, he 'complains' to me - lots of talking and telling me he didn't like me leaving him. He is extremely attached to me, and we have to work on him being comfortable when I go out to get groceries, go to the pet store, etc.

    Just remain consistent with what you do. Don't give in. Barring damaging himself in his crate, it's kind of like 'who will give in first'. I'm sure things will improve for you.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Well he had his breakfast in the crate no problems at all…last week when I tried it he didn't eat, just tried to bite his way through the bars for 20 minutes...maybe he is giving up..if ever so slightly...jippea..small step for me a huge step for him and crate training..I hope.

    OMG that was Cara… she still chews on them sometimes but not like at first.

    As for the other dogs, mine always have fits if the others are free to nah nah them.

  • Re crating in the car. I have done a lot of transport with b's who don't know me and are not liking a crate. I tell the old owners to put them in the crate, when we get ready to transport. I make sure they are well walked and empty by the old owner, before they go in.
    They often scream for a bit, but I just turn the radio up. They do settle down and soon its quiet. On a long transport I will take them out of the crate to empty, and they are
    often ready to get back into the crate after. Usually they are quiet after a bit of "talking".
    There is no way I can have a dog who doesn't know me, in a car, while driving, without the crate.

  • I do have crated Basenjis and 1 who won't be crated i=on her own. I tried to tough it out with her for 3 years (and I'm not inexperienced) but eventually had to give up (she is now 16 and a half). She eats in her crate but only with the door open.

    I firmly believe that there aere exceptions and now and again a Basenji 'arrives' who will not be crate trained (Jewel is a great grandmother to Benkura's Trouper!!!).

    However I doubt if Kipawa is one of those and I'm sure you'll have success with the advice you've been given. I only want to say please watch the crate chewing (Jewel has a broken canine from her crate chewing confinement experience) - a puppy's teeth could soon break if the wire is strong.

  • @agilebasenji:

    And get a dvd called Crate Games. that will help. watch all of the video before doing the exercises. .

    Thanks for the tip. It sounds interesting. I just ordered the dvd on dogwise.com. It was over $50 on amazon.


  • Houston

    Pippin has done ok today, but has not frequented the crate more than at food times..he does eat in it, which is great news for me…but he will not sleep in it with the door closed..he loves Moses crate though...can't wait for pippin's crate (like moses') to arrive on tuesday..I am seriously thinking that is what is freaking him out...or not. We will work on it more very day and see how he does..
    Biting is not a good option for me..I don't want him to get hurt.

  • My Pip also doesn't like being in a crate. He used to scream in the car until your ears were ringing so I can sympathise there! He is 14 months old now and is very good in the car but not when at shows, I don't know if we will ever crack that! I did leave him and his mum and half brother in individual crates in the caravan while I had a look around a show, I kept coming back sure he would be creating a fuss but he was fine. I think you just have to persevere. I make a point of never taking him out of the crate when he is having a tantrum, he will think that's why he is coming out!

    My others are all perfect in their crates, mine aren't crated at home apart from Chico who has his dinner in his because he likes to eat slower than the others.

    One of my previous basenjis, Moet, would go into a crate, sleep in a crate etc but only if the door was open! Some just don't like it. Moet is sadly no longer with us.

  • Houston

    Moetmum, thank you so much for your advice…
    Pippin screams exactly like that too, but today I tried his wire crate in the car, as supposed to the plastic one, and he whimpered a little, but no scream or shrieking...jippea..small steps. He still eats in his crate..well I guess not abymore sine it is in the car now..but his new rate comes tomorrow..then I have one for the house and one for the car...

    So sorry to read about Moet..breaks my heart when they leave us...

  • First Basenji's


    I can't fit a bigger crate in….i don't think.....
    Agilebasenji, he came in a sherpa on the plane...he has a wire crate in the house and plastic crate in the car...but I could try the wire for the car too. I tried feeding him in it and he simply doesn't eat...i guess I should tough love it more.

    hi, i had similar problems crating., i just used to leave the door open, PUT his food bowl inside and just ignore.drop odd treat inside too.it may take a while but persivere, he will go and investigate when your not looking.Now my winco goes and sits in there happily. then move it to the car, leave door open and let him investigate. slowly he may find he is happy with it and feel more secure…....good luck.. erica:)

  • Houston

    He is actually in his crate in the car right now, we are in the car pool waiting for kiddos…and he is sleeping. :):D

  • Perfect way to get him used to the crate, especially in the car… take them lots of places lots of times!!! Good job!

  • Houston

    Thanks Tanza, I hope I won't traumatize him though…but he comes along when I drop the kiddos off and when I pick them up...so twice a day for sure..the wire crate works much better, he wimpers then settles down and goes to sleep...

  • I currently use wire crates in the car and at home. I do plan on purchasing plastic crates for car travel due to safety concerns (higher possibility of impalement in an accident.)

    While driving, I strongly suggest tethering the crate for the same reason, in an accident if the crate is tethered your precious cargo is less likely to be injured.

    For quiet time in the crate at home have you tried covering the crate with a blanket? This can help in settling him down by removing some of the stimulation that is going on outside his 'room' 🙂

    Sounds like you are making some progress, wahoo!

    When my pups were little I took them everywhere, car rides, meet and greets at work and with family & friends, errands, etc… I think this is a good thing to do

  • Houston

    Libby, I have a crate cover on Moses crate, especially made for it..(looks great by the way)..and he does sleep in that crate with Moses or Gus or Luna..i.e with someone else..I tried just draping a blanket over his and he pulled the whole d–n blanket into his crate through the bars..worked like an animal (pun intended) I am sure as I could barely get the blanket back out..
    I have the crate tethered while in the car..yes, accidents scare me..Plastic crate was tried and hated..so wire it is..

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Libby, I have a crate cover on Moses crate, especially made for it..(looks great by the way)..and he does sleep in that crate with Moses or Gus or Luna..i.e with someone else..I tried just draping a blanket over his and he pulled the whole d–n blanket into his crate through the bars..worked like an animal (pun intended) I am sure as I could barely get the blanket back out..
    I have the crate tethered while in the car..yes, accidents scare me..Plastic crate was tried and hated..so wire it is..

    While you might have a nice cover for Moses…. I would put the crates side by side and one cover (use a blanket) over both so that Pippin know and can see Moses.... that is what I did for the girls... they have their own crates... but only the "wire" keeps them apart..... one over over both crates...

  • Houston

    Tanza, good idea..I will try that..never even thought of that…how I love this wonderful resource of knowledgeable friends.

  • Houston

    …Pippin slept in his crate last night..wowser..
    We finally received the other wire crate and I set it up, made it cozy with his bedding. I decided to lock Moses into his crate, so Pippin couldn't join him in it..and low and behold..Pippin got the clue and got into his crate and curled up..so he slept in it with the door open mind you, but small steps forward is better than no steps...

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