Red and white byb girl sale 250.00 houston

  • crystalncody

    just read your post thank you for replying 🙂

    there is a lot of misinformation at this point and alot of speculation
    about this woman
    what would be great is if someone on this forum knew about her in some way but …
    im discussing this with my coordinator to see if the funds are made available if brat will take this girl into the system
    i believe the next step is for someone to meet this woman and make a decision as to what is going on and whether purchasing this girl will meet with rescue criteria

    if so then as long as brat doesnt have to pay im hoping they will take her in
    it could be that this particular situation wont fit into the rescue criteria and if it doesnt then at least the effort to help this girl was made and thats all that anyone can do

  • Houston

    A question….what about the other dogs she has, will Brat take them too? She told me she has a male/female combo for sure...maybe even more.

  • all that i know of are the male and female she has listed now for sale along with whatever puppies she is selling
    someone else contacted her and they seem to think she has more for sale so i really cant say for sure

    at this point its just a matter of hoping that whoever purchases her will give her a good home since it seems i will be unable to do anything about her

  • I'm curious….she has an adult male, an adult female, and some puppies for sale. So what happened to the rest of the 20 Basenjis she purchased?

  • Houston

    You know I am wondering that myself, but she didn't tell me when I inquired…she might not have them all anymore..

  • Houston

    Hi, I just purchased my puppy from Mary weiss 4 wks ago and i got AKC papers and both the male and female are registered, when we went to look at the puppy's there were 4 boys and 2 girls in the batch she showed and only the mother was around, but there were more puppy's in the house that we didn't see because they were "sold" when we picked the dog up there was also some black and brindle pups and the litter we saw was all red and white but didn't think as to where they came from. We loved our sweet puppy so much we contacted her for one of her brothers as a companion, and she acted like she had no idea who I was, and said the other female was all that was left and it was being purchased possibly if they liked it, there are just little things that are not adding up with this breeder though, wish I would have seen this before

  • Mary Weiss 😞 has been mentioned a number of times in various threads. Go to the SEARCH area of this forum, and type in her name.

  • mary beth weiss is a back yard breeder her adult female annie is ckc not akc and was was purchased from a puppymill

    mary beth has not tested for fanconi beyond strip testing (or so she says)
    when i contacted her she knew almost nothing about fanconi called it doggie diabetes and said that symptoms didnt show up until a dog was quite old

    mary beth weiss does nothing but use these dogs to make money selling puppies then gets rid of them she has had her 3 adults listed on kiji for months at a low price selling them as "breeders"

    she will not be taking back any puppies from any buyer as she has a limit of 3 dogs where she live

  • @crystalncody:

    I don't know this woman, and I'm not saying the same is true for her, but when I got Cody, nearly everything his previous owner told me was a lie. She sounded so sincere through emails and over the phone, but in reality, she was just trying to get rid of some dogs, make a few bucks, and probably expand her little operation with a breed from which she could get puppies more than once a year (she was already breeding Italian greyhounds, chihuahuas, and one other breed). I got Cody for free, but she still felt the need to lie to me.

    This woman could be perfectly nice and completely on the up and up, but she could also just be telling you what she thinks you want to hear.

    Crystal, If you don't mind me asking, How is Cody? You got him from Mary Beth Weiss, correct?

  • @jjuds:

    Crystal, If you don't mind me asking, How is Cody? You got him from Mary Beth Weiss, correct?

    I don't think that she did, I think that she was just relaying what happened to her and the person she got her pup from as it was similar to this same situation

  • I am going to add another voice to not supporting this sale - too many times - people who breed responsibly get guilted into fixing others problems. Which does not help the breed - any breed. I will tell you that personally my last basenji litter was at about the same time as the big KC rescue. Several folks who were on my list - I diverted to those doing rescue. BUT that rescue filled to capacity all the places we have to foster and help with dogs - so some of us who breed responsibly just stopped breeding - since I no longer had anybody who could help take in a dog should one be returned - I chose to breed none at all. The market for puppies was largely gone - partly because it was 'cooler' to rescue and partly because ecconomic. So I will tell you from my perspective - while it might seem humane to get this girl - it will do nothing more than create more girls and boys who will need more help.

  • Buyer beware, Mary Weiss has another litter on puppyfind and craig list now, avoid houston pups from her.

  • ugh, cant stand her– she has no heart

  • How sad, may Karma catch up with her soon. Sooo important buyers educate themselves so lowlife breeders can't make a living off any animal.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

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