• My name is Mardi. I live in Austin, Texas. It is pretty much the only cool place in Texas 🆒

    Anyway, I am in the market for a basenji mix with cat experience. I think I have found one … I will be driving out to get her tomorrow. I have quite a bit of experience with basenjis. Puff the Magic Dragon was the best little basenji mix evereverever. I even bought him two dogs to ease his separation anxiety.

    I am really quite overwhelmed by this forum b/c there seems to be so many threads, sub-threads, etc. I am sure many of my questions have been answered, so I'm a bit afraid to ask. If you could direct me to threads maybe that would help?

    I leave home at 7:30am and get home at 5:30pm. I am concerned with my (potential) basenji's separation anxiety. Should I crate, get a dog walker or both?

    I am concerned with my cat, Agatha. Agatha's littermate/brother just died after 10 years of constant companionship. She is not doing well at all without him. She cries when I leave for work. She cries a lot in general, but she is also about the most verbal cat on the planet. I had promised myself that when Sherlock (her brother) passed away, I would return to basenji ownership. My (potential) new dog is quite accustomed to cats. HOWEVER, how do I get these two stinkers used to each other?

  • Houston

    Welcome Mardi..from the not so cool, but rather hot place of Houston….;):):D.
    Where are you getting you pup from?
    I have no idea how to handle the cat thing besides letting them meet..that is what we did and it worked fine..my cat hates my 4 dogs, my dogs love her..go figure..

    AS far as separation anxitey, being that she is a mix she might not have it as bad as some, then again it might be worse, you won't really know until you have her.
    My dogs deal ok with being alone, mainly because they have each other to play with..How old is she? Are you wanting to crate her or will she be loose in your home?
    I am sure some other peeps will come and give you outstanding advice...

    Good luck tomorrow.

  • Thank you for responding 🙂 I have a crate set up for her … I'm going to crate her when I am gone Friday. Then Saturday, we will see what unfolds when I leave her for 30 min, an hour, etc. I may crate her when I am not home for the first week. It sounds like her current owners don't crate her at all, but I only have one cat to be her buddy.

    She currently lives with 3 other dogs and several cats ... so I think our first night will be a challenge. Buuuuuuuut ... I think my cat will be even more freaked out. Oh well. My cat has claws. And the ability to jump very high.

    My dog is coming to me from Elgin. Their situation sounds horrific to me (but it doesn't seem to bother them): They are moving from Elgin to Round Rock and getting rid of several animals to become more city-fied! Yikes! I don't think I could part with my pets! It would make me cry a river 😢 They are extremely concerned that their dogs will end up in a shelter, as they should be. I don't think basenji mixes are in high demand (or even plentiful, based on my experiences).

  • Crates are the safe way to go. I don't think you can generalize that separation anxiety is common in basenji. They may HATE the crate, but that isn't the same thing. 🙂

    Welcome, post pics.

    Easiest thing with forum, mark all read right now, start afresh. Then each day hit the today's posts 🙂

  • I've never crated a basenji. But once Dragon's dogs Kente and La Neige died, I saw that he hated being alone. Luckily, we lived with roommates and he was rarely alone.

    It is my understanding that basenjis are often destructive when they are not crated (due to the separation anxiety). Now, since I am getting a mix (and, honestly, it doesn't look much like a basenji … but it doesn't bark and does talk), I don't know if it will be mild-mannered like my Dragon ... or wilder like Kente. Kente was a little terror! hee! I am pretty sure he would have un-stuffed my mattress if ever left alone. Oh well.

    Anyway, I will post pics when I get them 🙂

  • PHEW That bit about marking everything read helped.

  • I think separation anxiety has a lot to do with how you handel it.. If you never make a big fuss about leaving or getting home and never take them out untill they are quiet and calm, they dont get anxious. If you get anxious, they get anxious…

  • @dmey:

    I think separation anxiety has a lot to do with how you handel it.. If you never make a big fuss about leaving or getting home and never take them out untill they are quiet and calm, they dont get anxious. If you get anxious, they get anxious…

    I thought separation anxiety referred to their destructive nature when the owner wasn't present and they were left alone?😕

  • Houston

    I wish you best of luck…i agree with you, how can you part with your pets to become more cityfied ....
    last year we picked up two basenjis from a byb in Elgin for Brat, they ended up being adopted by their foster though and are the sweetest boys, but since Elgin is tiny, maybe there is a connection.

    Sent from my rockin' Samsung Vibrate via Tapatalk.

  • I have Roxy at home now. She was a rescue dog (not from Elgin). I'm not sure where she's from.

  • Houston

    Congratulations, so happy to hear that you have her finally.

  • Hey there! I am in SE Austin. 🙂 Nice to meet another Austinite.

  • Welcome to the Forum from the UK, Ouidah - I'm pleased you've got the mix you wanted. As Debra said not all dogs have separation anxiety and you sound as though you're quite able to get him/her? used t a crate. You can only wait and see.

    Separation anxiety takes many forms and dowesn't of necessity involve destructiveness although it can. Let us know how you get on with your adoptee, please and it would be nice to have pictures,please?

  • @ouidah:

    My name is Mardi. I live in Austin, Texas. It is pretty much the only cool place in Texas 🆒
    I leave home at 7:30am and get home at 5:30pm. I am concerned with my (potential) basenji's separation anxiety. Should I crate, get a dog walker or both?

    Check out Jami at http://www.austindogrunners.com You will see Nayru on their testimonial page! 🙂
    They come once a week for her run but are available to walk/visit.

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