Could she be a basenji?
I think I see it the most in the ice cream picture. She has nice long legs. The first one looks more terrier-like. How many pounds does she weigh?
She's adorable, whatever the mix!
The first pic it looks like she's happy out in the rain, so i had my doubts about her basenji-ness. the second pic, she's "stealing" food from the human, so that looks more basenji-ish. Either way, you're welcome to be here and she's 100% adorable.
She is a very lucky dog to have found you, no matter what her breed.
Glad you found us as well. -
LOL she looks like basenji in there. Does she bark or make other noises?
Thanks all. I must admit I had never heard of basenji's but a lot of people have stopped and asked, which made me google them. I think I see a lot of basenji traits in her, but then not sure if I am seeing them because I want to?
The one in the rain is a little misleading - whilst she will go out in the rain if we are taking her for a walk, she does not like going out in it (nightmare to get her to go to the loo when its raining) and she will not go in ponds or the sea. However when it snowed here recently she loved it, and would find the iciest bit, run and skid. We ended up having to put a coat on her as she would get so cold but loved it. Mind you, my friend took her out on his mini motorbike and she loved that too - total adrenaline junkie!
She is not a big barker, but she does bark. When she was younger she would scream and sounded like a vixen. Her whimpers and 'chirps' to get attention are still very high pitched. Loves to run and when out at the park will be off if she sees a squirrel (god she can run). She often has a confused or worried look due to her wrinkly forehead, often stands on her back legs. She is a very confident dog, and will approach any person or dog (or horse). Loves to chew, but has her basket of chews so tends to leave the house stuff alone. Loves being around children too. She has been raised with my cats, so also happy with them (well, 2 still beat her up, the third plays with her) but outside the house would chase a cat i think.
She does also have a lot of terrier in her also, which is why I think she could be a terrier basenji cross. She will 'kill' her toys and often tears the stuffing out. Also loves to play tug of war.
As you all say though, she is gorgeous. Her and some litter mates were just 7 weeks when they were dumped, but luckily were found. She is the softest dog. A bit naughty, she knows how to do things but needs an incentive to do them, and the little horror has worked out how to unscrew her jar of treats!
ETA: she weighs about she put a little bit of weight on with her recent phantom pregnancy, but not much.
She is adorable…I can see some B in her but being that I also own a portuguese podengo, i must say she looks a little like that too..
Welcome onboard regardless though. -
She is adorable…I can see some B in her but being that I also own a portuguese podengo, i must say she looks a little like that too..
Welcome onboard regardless though.Hmmm, in that case I think I will definitly order the dna test. Can't hurt can it?
She sounds like she has a few Basenji traits to me, screaming, not wanting to go out in the rain, destroying toys.
Basenjis can bark but tend to produce just one bark at a time. On a Basenji's feet the two middle pads are joined at the bottom on each foot, rather like a heart shape. -
IMO, the DNA tests aren't that accurate.
I wouldn't spend the $$ unless you just want to do it for fun. -
IMO, the DNA tests aren't that accurate.
I wouldn't spend the $$ unless you just want to do it for fun.I agree!!! IMO a waste of money
I like the DNA tests. :) If money isn't an issue, won't hurt and may give some validation or ideas.
I like the DNA tests. :) If money isn't an issue, won't hurt and may give some validation or ideas.
Its only ?30, thats a nights takeaway, and a bit of fun. Will be interesting to see how many breeds are found in her!
Little horror just stole the last of my peas, wierdo that she is. She definatly likes to wait until your back is turned to nick your dinner!
She is so pretty. She certainly does have a lot of 'Basenji' traits but I rather think she's a terrier cross.
Others on this forum have tried the DNA test so hopefully they'll give you some advice. As you say the results would be interesting.
She is definitely terrier cross, but I have been wondering if possibly terrier crossed with a basenji. She often looks like she has a terrier sized head (with wrinkles) on a basenji sized body. Lets see what the DNA test says!
Where'd ya find it for $30? Is that in american or some other? All the ones I found were 75+. I'd love to figure out what my girl is mixed with LOL and that sure is more affordable!
Sorry, I meant ?30 (I am in the UK) as opposed to ?60. I just googled Dog DNA tests.
On another note, we bumped into someone yesterday whilst walking at the country park, and I commented "that looks like a basenji tail" to which i was told she was a basenji (funny, i have never heard of them 6 months ago, now bumping into them). Was interesting to see. Piper was about half an inch shorter and slightly longer in the body, but they looked nearly identical. Having seen this dog (she was smaller than i expected them to be) she seems to have a stocky terrier body, on basenji legs and with a basenji head.
I'm intrigued - what part of the UK do you live? With the Welsh in your name I'm wondering if it's Wales? I live near the Welsh border and if you are not too far I'd be happy to meet up with you and Pippin and give you an opinion based on actual sight.
Someone else on this Forum has had a dna test done but the results were not really all that brilliant but as you are so keen why not?
Interesting that your vet's Mother in law used to breed Basenjis - probably we in the UK would recognise her name. Just curious.
Did the Basenji owner that you met think Pippin was a Basenji mix?
What a terrible early experience she had, poor Pippin, I'm so glad that she's ended up in your happy forever home.