• Houston

    They are so smart…after this whole thread, I have totally made the dogs crates up, soft and cozy, with extra blankets...we are so spoiling them aren't we..

  • @Basenjimamma:

    They are so smart…after this whole thread, I have totally made the dogs crates up, soft and cozy, with extra blankets...we are so spoiling them aren't we..

    I just bought Buddy his own queen size bed with large comforters. OK, I didn't but he get's half mine. 😃

  • You-all are funny. 😃

  • @nobarkus:

    I just bought Buddy his own queen size bed with large comforters. OK, I didn't but he get's half mine. 😃

    As does Kananga. In the morning he stretches out on his back (while hitting me in the face with his paws, more than once :rolleyes: ).

    He knows what he's doing. 😃

  • Why does everyone have such nice civilized dogs and mine are like a pack of hoodlums!

    I can't do anything cutesy! No cuddly outfits, pretty leashes, or toys. They like old socks, pieces of tree limbs, rocks, and dirt clods!

    I feel like I live in a house full of juvenile delinquents. 😉

  • Houston

    Vicki..this mademe laugh..

    Why does everyone have such nice civilized dogs and mine are like a pack of hoodlums!

    I can't do anything cutesy! No cuddly outfits, pretty leashes, or toys. They like old socks, pieces of tree limbs, rocks, and dirt clods!

    I feel like I live in a house full of juvenile delinquents.

    I have the hoodlums here too..socks have always been a favorite..now panties/underwear has been added to that list.
    Rocks and barbie shoes( why I have no idea, maybe her feet smell sweet..) were a huge hit with our late westie, Bogus..

  • @Vicki:

    Why does everyone have such nice civilized dogs and mine are like a pack of hoodlums!

    I can't do anything cutesy! No cuddly outfits, pretty leashes, or toys. They like old socks, pieces of tree limbs, rocks, and dirt clods!

    I feel like I live in a house full of juvenile delinquents. 😉

    Mine are of the same ilk. They either ignore or fight over pet toys so I don't buy them anymore. They would eat a fleece in a heartbeat….I know that because I used to put them in their night time sleeping crates. They want to play with socks stolen from the clothes basket, my 3 yr old grandson's teddy bear, tree roots, or any leather shoe. I don't think we have a leash that doesn't have a tooth mark in it. Their collars have teeth marks in them also because they like to try and drag each other around the house by the collar.


  • Makes me feel better Bmama and Bdiva -

    I'm not going to discuss panties and underwear - nothing like tug-a-war with mama's bra!

  • AJ's leash has a few tooth marks in it. So does the Oh-Crap handle on the passenger side of the truck.

  • Maybe I should take picks of my beat up furniture. I could show my marble and wood coffee table with Basenji burn out marks across the top when they'd spring off the couch across it to shoot out the back dog door to chase a squirrel.

  • @nobarkus:

    maybe i should take picks of my beat up furniture. I could show my marble and wood coffee table with basenji burn out marks across the top when they'd spring off the couch across it to shoot out the back dog door to chase a squirrel.

    😃 Now, that sounds normal to me. 😃

  • @nobarkus:

    Maybe I should take picks of my beat up furniture. I could show my marble and wood coffee table with Basenji burn out marks across the top when they'd spring off the couch across it to shoot out the back dog door to chase a squirrel.

    They claim our furniture as their own. 😃

    The corner of my couch is worn down a bit from Kananga always laying/sitting/standing on that side of the couch. I think sometimes he digs into the edge which causes the wear. I laugh at him though, always looking out the window from that spot.

    Or he'll go to his other spot on the couch and sit funny… :o

  • Houston

    I love those pictures, how silly.

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