Litter planned for Fall 09 (I hope)
I think because she is acting the way she is, that he is worried about other dog's and not her per se. If she's jealous of the other dogs here, what will she be like with a bunch of them around her that she doesn't know? I don't take her to the vet all that often either, so she's really not used to it there, and it is a new vet for her as well.
Okay, it's official. Damisi is pregnant. I still have three weeks to go and by now usually they look sort of the same as normal-maybe a little pot. Especially with a first time bitch. HOWEVER, Damisi is getting big already! Not only does she have a pot belly, she is widening on the sides and her butt is getting wider. All her teats are out. No, I did not miscalculate the dates. If she has 8 puppies, I'm going to kill myself. LOL I can't even find good homes for the extras I will have yet, never mind a bunch more! (There is just a lot of weird people out there right now) I can just see it now-me with 5 b/w puppies forever. LOL
On a lighter note, I am getting her eyes CERF'd tomorrow. Wish me luck! -
good to hear that she is pregnant and that things are moving along nicely. Good luck on the Cerf..
Hey Arlene,
Has her behavior settled down?
It's better than it was, but she is still testy. She snarks, but not as loud as before and there hasn't been any more unpleasant behaviour. She throws up quite a bit, so I've changed her feedings to 4 times per day. She was getting 1 1/2 cups a day and now she is getting about 1 2/3-2 cups somewhere in there. And I've just changed it two days ago.
Just curious, do they get sick too, just like some women get, when pregnant?
First off…congrats Arlene!!!! Can't wait to see puppy pics!!!
To Basenjimamma...When Ruby was pregnant with her litter she was sick a lot.
A friend of mine is a critical care vet (cancer, etc.) and his practice is also the top repro vet in the state. He was telling me that they had a bitch in their care who couldn't eat anything at all without getting sick so she was on IV her whole pregnancy - she delivered healthy pups and she was fine herself following the pregnancy/delivery.
Wow, I had no clue about the pregnancy sickness in bitches, but it makes sense, they also have a lot of hormones raging, just like us women, when we are pregnant.
Thanks for the info, Arlene and Renault1.. -
B/w's are harder to place than reds-especially up here. But a b/w litter it will be as I bred b/w to b/w. I'm also partial to b/w.
Damisi's eye exam came back as minor iris to iris ppm in right eye. But this is also from an opthamologist that doesn't typically see many Basenji's. But it's still okay.
Glad to hear that Damisi's eye exam went well. Minor ppm is common, no? I think B/W pups are so pretty.
B/w's are harder to place than reds-especially up here. But a b/w litter it will be as I bred b/w to b/w. I'm also partial to b/w.
Damisi's eye exam came back as minor iris to iris ppm in right eye. But this is also from an opthamologist that doesn't typically see many Basenji's. But it's still okay.
Pretty typical for the breed, minor PPM
B/w's are harder to place than reds-especially up here. But a b/w litter it will be as I bred b/w to b/w. I'm also partial to b/w.
Damisi's eye exam came back as minor iris to iris ppm in right eye. But this is also from an opthamologist that doesn't typically see many Basenji's. But it's still okay.
Isn't it dependent on the color genetics of the sire and dam? Perhaps you could get r/w too? This is a litter from a b/w to b/w breeding which has both b/w and r/w puppies
I believe Sharla on these forums bred B/W to B/W and got more R/W than B/W pups. It is a 3 in 4 chance that a puppy in a B/W to B/W will be B/W and only a 1 in 4 chance that it will be R/W.
As for placing B/W, what I find is that most people come to my house expressing an interest in only R/W but leave feeling B/W isn't so bad and most fall in love with Rally. She is a great ambassador for B/W. She is a happy yodeler, very affectionate, loves attention, and knows she is the most beautiful basenji (this is the trait that makes her such a good show dog).