Basenji Safe Miranda/Owner Approved Toys
Nemo, I love that toy, did you get it online or in store..where oh where did you get it?
Nemo, I love that toy, did you get it online or in store..where oh where did you get it?
I got it at the Dr. Fosters and Smith store but I don't see it on their website. Hopefully someone has seen it elsewhere online. Sorry! If go there again I can get you one. :D
I was wrong! I found it. There are different versions and they had the birdhouse picture posted.
Nemo, Thanks that is so sweet to offer, but I looked online and found it, at Foster and Smith, under "hide and seek toys", they have several versions, I am so getting one of them. Thanks for the tip.
Nemo, Thanks that is so sweet to offer, but I looked online and found it, at Foster and Smith, under "hide and seek toys", they have several versions, I am so getting one of them. Thanks for the tip.
Good, I found it after you did. I'd suggest getting the replacement 3 pack too. I didn't but there is plenty of room in that tree trunk and it could easily fit 3 more in there for added fun!
I'd suggest getting the replacement 3 pack too. I didn't but there is plenty of room in that tree trunk and it could easily fit 3 more in there for added fun!
Great , I will do that, the more the merrier, right?
Great , I will do that, the more the merrier, right?
Yep! The fun ends too fast with only three. But if you have small stuffed animals already they would work too. But the little squirrels are really cute and they also squeak! :D
Gossy isn't a stuffing-puller (unlike my two previous beasties) and she likes the biggest plush toys I can find – I brought home a large stuffed tiger I won at the state fair and she is always tring to get at it - I finally had to hide it on the top closet shelf. Generally the small toys she'll ignore.
All mine have loved the hard rubber toys that hold kibble or other treats (kongs, busy buddies, etc.) and I've also hidden kibble in old torn-up plush toys - the kibble gets stuck in the fabric sometimes and gives them extra work. None of them have ever liked the smooth nyla bones.
LOVE that toy - am going to DrsFoster&Smith to get one for my girls - they will really like that since they love digging stuff out of other stuff.
Sunbeams and fallen leaves. Those are the only two constant toys for my kiddies. And they arent really toys
Ah yes, leaves. Unfortunately Kananga is not a fan of leaves anymore, after walking across a sewer grate that was covered in leaves. He avoids them at all costs now. :D
Ours do well with treat balls.
Most toys needs supervision, if you can get them interested in them to begin with (unless its something to be ripped apart).
Mine like cat toys the best, but need supervision.
Its a bird, its a plane, no its super basenji!
Super basenji - :D :D
I just discovered a new toy/treat the other day at the doggie-care. They sell chunks of elk antlers – and wow did Gossy stick her nose in the bin and try to grab them all. They don't splinter and better than marrow bones in that they don't get gooey.