Random shouts of pain
My Eddie, 10, used to cry out occasionally. I give all mine a vet recommended glucosamine supplement, which helped and made the cries less frequent. A chiropractor friend worked on him and said one of his shoulders was "frozen" so we manipulate it often and now he does not cry out. Hope I haven't jinxed him now!
AJ does that sometimes when he's wrestling around with me. My vet said he though it was arthritis (AJ is almost 7 years old) in his shoulders and gave me Rymadil (spelling?) for it. It helps, but we only use it when he's having trouble and I try not to play too hard with him. Gizmo might still be a little young for arthritis, but, like with humans, arthritis might strike at any age. Poor Gizmo…
I sure hoep it isn't anything severe, being that he is so young.
The biting part, to me sounds like it is teething, but the stretching, I don't know. Is he yawning when he stretches. sometimes Otis will yawn and it sounds like he is yelping, no pain, just something he does while stretching.. -
No, he is not yawning as he stretches. At least not that I can remember. I will keep a look for that.
It can often skip a day. When we play, or go for walks he never makes a sound.
I gave him a bone today, and he has been chewing all day. Not a sound….sigh. I was actually hoping it was the teeth.
Anyways, I am gonna keep him out of the Dog Park for the time being, just in case the rough play with the other dogs might worsen the situation if it is a pinched nerve.
God I am such mess worrying so much about him. I do hope it's nothing serious.
No, he is not yawning as he stretches. At least not that I can remember. I will keep a look for that.
It can often skip a day. When we play, or go for walks he never makes a sound.
I gave him a bone today, and he has been chewing all day. Not a sound….sigh. I was actually hoping it was the teeth.
Anyways, I am gonna keep him out of the Dog Park for the time being, just in case the rough play with the other dogs might worsen the situation if it is a pinched nerve.
God I am such mess worrying so much about him. I do hope it's nothing serious.
I'd probably take him into the vet and have him checked. It may be something as simple as a strained muscle, but where it comes and goes it seems a little strange. Hopefully it is nothing serious. Does he limp at all?
I would take him too, incase it is something like a muscle or nerve, wouldn't want to aggrevate it.
Try running your index finger gently on the outer gum line, then the inner gum line, then along the bottom of teeth (or top depending what set you start with). Watch Gizmo's reaction while you feel for any abnormal lumps or bumps.
My Ty had another bad tooth recently and he never went off his food, never had a odor in his mouth, no swelling of the face, no fever, no extra snarky behavior just his normal old man stuff, nothing but a slight "yeep" when I checked his outer gum line.
Still I would say as others, time for a vet visit. Had my bulldog for 11 years when random loud shouts of obvious pain started. Unfortunately, we lost him within the year.
Hope Giz is doing better today, and your vet visit is soon.
I tried out that gum line thing, didn't notice any discomfort.
He didn't make a sound today, and we have been taking it easy. Flat ground walks, stayed away from the Dog Park so no rough play. I am starting to think it was just sore muscles. We have been going on a lot of long walks lately. He did a lot of stretching, and yawning with no cry.
I am gonna put off the vet until I hear a new cry, then call right away. Also I am unemployed, and have to wait til next week til I get more money, can't afford a vet session this week, they cost 550 NOK which I don't have. But I will go if he does cry again, and just loan some cash.
Sounds like a good idea..so long as you keep a look out for it, you are doing good.
Sorry about you not having a job..sound slike it does here…unemployment is up..da-- economi.. -
Well he did a cry today, and I went over and saw he had a toy in front of him. So I did the gum test again, and as I pushed away his lips/gums he cried out.
So it seems to be his teeth.
Anyways, I called the Vet and they will have a look at him tomorrow just to be on the safe side. Also it will put my mind at ease.
Hope everything goes ok at the vets and its not too expensive for you
I am glad that you were there to see what made him cry out. Hopefully he is"only" teething..
Lately Gizmo has been giving out shouts of pain. Just one "Yalp" every once in awhile.
The amount is also very random, could be just once a day, or several. This morning he gave out 4. Which really scarred me.When Donner (long since over the Rainbow Bridge) did this we took him to a vet who practised acupuncture. Actually, he didn't need to practise, he was darned good at it !
The Vet diagnosed a lesion in the high neck.
As I understand it, Acupuncture doesn't effect any cure as such, but it helps the body to promote cortisone naturally and a more relaxed dog means a dog who can heal quicker. And a dog no longer in pain.
Donner had three treatments in the first week, then 1 a week for a month and thereafter when we heard that first squeak. He'd go 6, even 10, months between booster treatments and he lived to be about 14 1/2.
Its an 'alternative' treatment we swear by.
Good luck
Sadly I live in a small crap country, and options like animal acupuncture, or even masages are not to be found.
Anyways, I just got back from the vet and she couldn't find a thing wrong. She went all over him, checking his muscle movement, teeth, ears, eyes, joints etc.
Gizmo didn't make a sound, besides squirming around as if he was on fire.
BTW, Gizmo is only 16 weeks and he weighed in at 8.3 Kg! He is not fat or anything, just one "muscular guy" (to use the vets words), and has a very wide ribcage, and muscular legs with big paws (said the vet). Sure is gonna be exciting to see what kind of a man he is gonna grow up to be!
When my female, Bandit, was a pup she would somtimes cry out in the middle of the night. I think it was when she was stretching. She had a herniated belly button. I talked to my vet who agreed to spay her at 4 months, rather than wait till 6 weeks. She fixed the belly button at the same time and she never cried out again.
She never looked like she had anything wrong but the breeder's vet had diagnosed her as a baby.
Maybe it's something as "simple" as that?
Bandit never seemed to be in real pain or discomfort either.