• As some of you know, my Basenji puppy has not lived up to my expectations.

    So now I am looking for tips on what to think about when I'm looking on parents to a new puppy?

    Is it right to breed on someone who has Falconi, or should I avoid combinations where one parent is a carrier of this?

    How are it with the eyes? Should I avoid parents that have been remark on them?

    What would it cost to import a Basenji, examples from the U.S.?

    I could win something on it, or are the dogs just as good here in Sweden, or

    Please help me!
    It's not that I'm bad with the dog, just new on Basenji!


  • Houston


    Although I am not a breeder, and I haven't been on this forum very long at all, I have got to say, that some of the swedish breeders are very nice, meaning they have some very nice dogs. Janneke and Petra ( I hope it is OK to mention you both, it is meant as a compliment ;)) on this forum both have one each from the same breeder, not the same litter though. They are both very nice dogs, and are winning in shows. I would ask them for advice, if you want to stay local. There are also very nice dogs in Britain and in the Netherlands. Finland has gorgeous dogs as well.
    Thats not saying you shouldn't look at the US breeders, but sometimes, if freight is of an issue, and shipping from one side of the world to the other, can be an issue, looking locally is good.
    I hope some of the experienced ladies and gentlemen on here will chime in, and I am sure they will, but this is my opinion.
    I am actually wanting my mother to bring me a dog from a swedish breeder one day…after all it would make sense to do that if she is making the trip anyway.
    Good luck in your search..

  • Thanks! I realy like to here were from theres dogs are!
    The male for my "puppy" is from Finland. And I realy love her, at all levels! Her temperament is exellent!!

  • I like Scandinavian Basenjis, especially from Finland.
    You should choose pup from Fanconi Syndrome tested parents (one of them should be FS clear at least). Also eyes tests and thyroid tests would be imortant for me.
    In Finland are many breeders with show successful breeding.
    Who are the parents of your girl?

  • Karimba basenjis in Sweden is expecting 2 litters this year. They do health testing and have dogs that have done well both in the show ring and in coursing. http://www.karimba.se/

    You can also browse the breeder websites listed at Mafaili Ya Basenji, http://www.basenjifiles.info/ There are breeders from all over the world listed there.

  • They are Bulldobas Echo of Kenya and Suntribe's Mara Jade Skywalker.
    I'm very pleased for my puppy, but her bite isn't korrekt. And I want to show! So I "need" an new puppy. And I want a friend for my Basenji. I have more dogs, but they are Jack Russels…


  • Also in kennel Kingwanas in Norway are planning two litters http://www.kingwanas.com/plannedpuppies.html
    I like especially the first mating Tommy and Mille. They are both health tested.

    In Bulldobas are planning very nice litter, parents are also health tested and great looking http://www.netti.fi/~taaviti/litter_2009.htm .

    I think there is a lot of breeders to choose from in Scandinavia :).

  • Thanks everyone!

    I have been looking att both Kingwanas and Bulldobas, and I like what I see! Karimba is new for me, and I think I'm in love!!!
    What wonderful dogs!!

    Thanks again!!

  • My girl is from the Faroaland line (Sweden). I have seen some very nice basenjis from this line and there is a lot of interest in this kennel here in the UK. They do well in the showring too. My girls great grandsire was also imported from the Bulldobas kennel.

  • I like Skandinavian basenjis very very much, and some of my favourite European basenjis are in Sweden. 🙂
    Sweden is "rabies free" country and has rabies laws - I think it's not possible to import puppy to Sweden if other country is not rabies-free (because of vaccination and waiting few months for doing rabies antibody titre).

    This is Swedish Basenji Club: http://www.basenji.se/
    There you will find kennels in Sweden and some of expected litters too.

  • Hi Pearl!
    I have brought my basenji girl from Sweden, just because I really like their basenji types and breeding. My girls is coming from Elegant Elephant kennels - they are expecting promising litter this winter: http://www.elegantelephant.se/kull_5.htm. The breeder is very kind and I am very happy I have found breeder like she is. Both parents of Mody are from Faraoland - for me the best kennel, but don?t want to say the rest are worse, but this is my heart affair. But all the dogs from this kennels I know has mainly wonderfull characters, very friendly basenjis they all are, and of course with excellent exteriour mostly. Many very successfull basenjis come from Faraoland or have someone from this kennel in their pedigree. They are planning two exciting combination this winter: http://www1.shellkonto.se/faraolan/planerade-kullar.htm.
    I absolutly agree with Irena, that you should take only puppy from tested parents - at least Fanconi and eyes. And of course, ask breeder about bite problems.
    It will be my pleasure to be helpfull to you with choosing a puppy.

  • Also many czech Bs has Faraoland dogs in their pedigree (especially Faraoland Nile Wild Wild Burundi). And agree with Petra about all nice words she said about Faraoland kennels :D.

    I must say I have never heard about this bite in Basenji. I think you had just a worse luck :(.

    And hope you find Basenji of your dream :)!

  • O, yes! Ofcourse it's just bad luck! With her teeths.. She is perfekt in all other ways! But I want to show! And she is not a dog to exhibit…
    And it would be nice with an friend to here!

    Thanks again, for all help!

  • Have you already contacted any kennels? And have any favorite?

  • No I havn't contacted any one. I want to have the "best"! 😉 I could look for a wile before I make any decisions.. I'm going to the big show in stockholm (sweden) in dec and look there. But I really like the Bulldobas dogs! Echo, the male of my "puppy", is an big favorite! And I fell really in love with the Karimba kennel! even if I just have seen them om my computer! I really liked "Abbe" and "Molly" a lot!

    Ofcourse I have see many nice dogs this summer when we have showed our girl, but I think it's important to like, and think alike, as the beeder. And I have fellt alittle bit "out side" of the others on the shows.. Mabye it's becouse I'm new…

    With Love!

  • I'm a Bulldobas fan 🙂 Tiina is a wonderful breeder, very very kind, with a lot of knowledge and beautiful dogs, who do great in the show ring. I know for sure that you are welcome to contact her. Liina is a lovely little bitch, not too long ago she was BIS3 in the Netherlands! If I wouldn't have Lycia… 😉

  • Houston

    I am glad you've gotten so many good ideas…my favorite breeder (in Sweden) is Elegant Elephant and Faraoland, of course I have never met any of these dogs in person, just seen pictures...but they sure have pretty dogs.

    Good luck in finding your beautiful little girl..

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I am glad you've gotten so many good ideas…my favorite breeder (in Sweden) is Elegant Elephant and Faraoland, of course I have never met any of these dogs in person, just seen pictures...but they sure have pretty dogs.

    Good luck in finding your beautiful little girl..

    Tillo's mommy is expecting puppies. The future daddy was one of my fav males during the Swedish speciality. You're not ready to add a B to the family Basenjimamma? 😉

  • @Janneke:

    I'm a Bulldobas fan 🙂 Tiina is a wonderful breeder, very very kind, with a lot of knowledge and beautiful dogs, who do great in the show ring. I know for sure that you are welcome to contact her. Liina is a lovely little bitch, not too long ago she was BIS3 in the Netherlands! If I wouldn't have Lycia… 😉

    I like Bulldobas dogs, too. Also Hanishan from Finish breeders. Janneke, have you seen Bulldobas dogs alive?
    Cause I know them only from pics….:(

  • Houston

    Tillo's mommy is expecting puppies. The future daddy was one of my fav males during the Swedish speciality. You're not ready to add a B to the family Basenjimamma?

    One day, not quite yet..one day…

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