Great pictures. I love the one of Maya standing up on the wall, great angle.
Tansy, is (s)he a newbie..? Did you have more puppies? Tell us, oh do tell us.
Thank you, all, for the compliments!
Ty's registered name is Apex Tyvola. He just turned 3 and is recently retired from the show ring. Zeenie is between 11 & 13 and is a BRAT dog originally found in Illinois: I've had her 9 years now and she is an angel (w/ horns, occasionally:rolleyes:)
the photos are fab! Tilly is great but the Dobes are too! We considered Dobermans after our GSDs. The docking laws kind of swayed us but we'd always looked at the ridgebacks too so it was a close thing there. All fine breeds.
Great pics Janneke!!!
He has such a naughty face!! :D
I agree Kim !
As always, the pics of Tillo are great (with the new Canon)!
And yes, they're all devils in disguise :D
I have the small version here at home since yesterday!!
Fun guaranteed I assure you ! :D