• OMG… just read something else...
    do you think Frontline Plus could cause some of these symptoms?

  • I would doubt it is the frontline…. he is a "elder" and they are different as they age.... and yes, Reglan is a life savor... IMO.... and I remember with my Mickii after she had a bout with Vestibular... for a bit she would only drink from the shower... then from a drip water bottle..... when you are dealing with elders... the most that we can do is just make their life as easy as possible. And I agree.. at his age... the missing link is not going to make a big difference... the main thing is that he eats period... just find something that he likes and eats.... period... again IMO

  • You know getting old really su***, in humans as well as our furbabies. So sad for your B, and to know that my B, Sahara tested postive for Fanconi genes.

  • Hi there -
    well, a visit to the vet again last Wednesday brought it down to either cancer or severe stomach ulcer, without doing a biopsy and all the extra expensive stuff…
    so we stopped the Reglan (it wasn't working) and went back to Cerenia and Carafate, and eating only chicken and oatmeal, and he hasn't thrown up since! He had lost 6 pounds, and in a few days, gained one back. He still doesn't have much energy.
    So, I don't know if this is a temporary fix, but it's working so far! 🙂

  • I would also stop any chemicals like heartworm and flea stuff. If he were to get heartworm - that takes a long time to kill a dog probably more years than he has left. You can treat topically for fleas with some natural things like Lemon and Eucalyptis spray (better for you as well) so that the harsh chemicals don't get into his system. Here is a link to some diet suggestions - have not tried them but they do make some sense: http://www.naturesfarmacy.com/UserFriendlyDiet.pdf

    Good luck

  • Go look at the following websites. When our akita had cancer we used this I found the information by accident as I was going crazy on the internet looking for help. I really belive YoYo would have made it had the vet fround it was cancer sooner and had I found this more quickly.
    Go to the following please:
    there is also navy protocol www.specialspecies.com
    under Health & Behavior go to Dog Tale of Survival at www.usa today.com

    Also go read about colloidal silver just type it in ask questions about it and silver. Buy it at health food stores and only buy the one in glass bottle and glass dropper. Only want up to the 10ppm otherwise be to much.

    Good luck and let us know how it is going.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    I sure hope it isn't cancer, just had two dogs with cancer put down this spring and I don't wish that on anybody. Hopefully he is doing better once you keep him on only chix and oates.. I will keep him and you in my thoughts..please keep us updated.

  • I also hope with all my heart it is not cancer but if they will go look at the websites there is help. I had to go back to those when they told us granny had cancer. I do so hope much better days are ahead.

    Rita Jean

  • JennAL, How are you and your boy doing today? Are we eating any better and keeping it down? Hope things are better let us all know. Good Luck

    Rita Jean

  • thanks, everyone…
    no, he is worse, and it hase been gradual, but I just can't get him to eat anything any more. Much has happened since the last post, but last Saturday took him in when he refused to eat again, and the vet noticed his gums were white (why didn't I notice???), and did a blood test again, and said his anemia levels were very low.
    Imuran/Azathioprine, but nothing has changed in a week.

    Have tried to feed him everything - baby food, vienna sausages, hot dogs, every kind of sandwich meat available, ground hamburger, ground turkey, canned chicken, chicken noodle soup... the only thing I haven't tried is Spam. Eats it once, then won't eat it again.

    I think I am going to have to help him cross the bridge. I hate that I can't do any more for him.

  • Houston

    I am so sorry to hear that he is worse..poor pup. WHat does the vet want/think you should do from here on out?

    We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers..

  • I am sorry you are having a difficult time, if the worst happens at least you know you gave him a home in his hour of need and made him happy.
    I can identify with feeding something different all the time. When my Basenji was elderly and ill it was a struggle to get him to eat and life revolved around medicating him. Like you say he would eat something one day and then not the next. Sometimes he seemed too weak to get off the settee and eat so i spoon fed him things like mashed potatoe, chicken and gravy. Once i'd got him going he would often polish off the lot before jumping off the settee and then scoffing his dog food .

  • I can only wish you the best you and only you can know what you see. I know when our akita had cancer and became anemia it's so hard of a battle after that so hard to watch day after day. My heart goes out to you as you look for that answer. We are all here for you.

    Rita Jean

  • As hard as it is, sometimes the kindest thing that we can do is let them go…


  • My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Probably not much of an option at this point, but a couple weeks ago I could not get Zuki to eat anything so the vet prescribed Mirtazapine. It is used in humans as an anti-depressant and for dogs and cats as an appetite stimulant. It worked almost immediately. We used it for a few days and then backed off and now use it as needed. If anyone ever has occassion to use this I would recommend giving it in the morning. I gave it in the evening the first time and she was quite restless the whole night. After a couple days that side effect went away.

  • You all are so wonderful.
    I helped Fred to go meet Jesus today… the vet did an autopsy right after, and he said he had full blown stomach cancer that had spread to the pancreas and liver. So all that I had done was all I could do.

    I was his mom for 10 months, a BRAT rescue, and he will be missed.

  • Houston

    I am so sorry to hear about Fred..I know you did anything you could've to make him comfortable..
    I am glad you had him in your life and home for 10 months, he is now running free with no more pain.
    Sending you hugs from us here in Houston..

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