• I hope you have a better day today and maybe get a nap in. I think I would walk and play run do what ever. Keep her awake and going all day so just mabe she will so tried tonight she will sleep. Hope Otis lip is all right.

    Rita Jean

  • Hunter, my BRAT pup, came from a house with 2 big dogs. He plays like a big dog! Way too rough for my Bandit. Maybe Dotty came from a house with big dogs?

    I can say that, now, almost 4 months later, Hunter is learning it's not OK to play so rough. Bandit puts him in his place when she has to. And she's learning to keep her neck away from him!!!:o

  • Aww poor Oyis, he must wonder what hit him 😞
    Hopefully Dotty will learn not to play so rough soon. You are very kind to open your home to foster dogs.
    She looks a beautiful Basenji, i wish she was in the UK 😞

  • sorry about the typo, meant Otis of course not Oyis ,lol

  • Houston

    Hi all

    Today has been better, partially because I had to go and sub at my daughters school today so they were all crated for some time, They are out and about right now and are actually doing really well, no snarks, nips yet.
    I haven't walked them yet, but will this pm. Should I walk her alone or with one of the other dogs? Either way I will tire her out as best I can..If I have the energy to. I sub'd as PE teacher and boy let me tell you, 6 hours of outdoor pe, in 80 or so degrees was taxing, the fistfights and other various things that occured didn't help, but walks are a certain thing that will happen..
    Thanks for all your help and inputs, I truly appreciate it.

  • Well if your not up to taking two walks I would walk Otis and Dotty at lease together. Poor Otis don't get to go walking he may have not like her is after all still number one. Maybe Dotty and Otis will be so tired everone will sleep tonight.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    I don't mind two walks, I usually to three x 2.3 mile walks so they all get their own time, however, in this case should I bring her with Otis so they can deal it out?

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I don't mind two walks, I usually to three x 2.3 mile walks so they all get their own time, however, in this case should I bring her with Otis so they can deal it out?

    Three x 2.3! Wow 7 miles is a lot a walk'n. That's great Petra!

  • I would walk them together but I am not there in case they have a fight you are. Maybe they will become friends this away. Have fun let us know.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    Three x 2.3! Wow 7 miles is a lot a walk'n. That's great Petra!

    Now I guess I am going to up that since I have a 4th dog in the house…I am going to be so healthy...another reason I love my pets..

  • I was thinking that if you walk Otis and Dot together it might help with their bonding. You could give it a try and see how it goes.

    BTW, I find walking 2 at the same time really easy. Adding a 3rd isn't so easy so mostly I do 2 walks morning and evening. :rolleyes::D

  • Houston

    I will try it after dinner, just had to pry her off of Otis neck once again, I am getting thoroughly over this..I am afraid for my kids limbs and my own legs and ankles when I walk past her, I simply do not trust that she will not lunge, not at us, she is really sweet towards humans, but by mistake when she is lungeing towards Otis.
    I am having a hard time with this, and frankly just want to sit here and ball about it for a few minutes..
    Poor Otis is walking around like he is on eggshells, looking slightly shell shocked, like he doesn't understand what he has done to deserve this..and I don't know either..he hasn't done anything..besides maybe living here and she hasn't..tears are taking over..I will be back..

  • I am sorry but this little lady would have to learn some manners. I would have to put her in the kennel she would have to know that Otis neck is not to eat. You can get your hand were it does not belong when your trying to pry her off Otis. I know she is new there but I do not know maybe a muzzle when she is near Otis for a few days. Now if they got along today in kennels they can do the same tonight.

    Do not cry that will not help the problem only make you more upset get to thinking and set down the ground rules for your home and Otis.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    You are right Rita, ground rules are set even for our own dogs and yes they get broken, and we fix them and move on..I guess I am just very leary about her being so sweet one minute and then bonker city the next, even to Otis..they played earlier like B's do..wow I thought we have a breakthough…it lasted only for few minutes.
    I am standing my ground and letting both of them know this is unexceptable. Otis is allowed to get mad, IMO if he is being attacked, but she also have a right to establish were she belongs in the pack.

    I got so mad a few minutes ago, when they were at it that slammed my hand as hard as I could into our granite counter top, so it popped real loud..both of them stopped and looked at me in fright...and I separated them and we went out and played..outside they are OK with eachother..

  • There must be something that set's her off. Playing and then just went off something must cause this. I hate to see Otis get mad do you not wonder if this could change him maybe not now but even down the road?
    I understand she has to establish were she belong in the pack. To me I am sorry it's at the bottom. When we come in the door and Spice, Bo and Jaycee all come to the door Jaycee is not the first to get lovings and we do not do first come first serve. Spice was first then Bo and then Jaycee. Jaycee has tried several times to push back the other two but we set the ground rules and that's it she is doing better each time.

    Please do not get Otis to have a fright over loud noise. I know it was just at the that second just did it. Happy all played outside and went so well. Rest have a better night.

    Rita Jean

  • I would never put a muzzle on a dog in the house… that is really just going to make it worse... that is not a solution... as I see it.. she is trying to put her dominance in the pack over Otis... you need to redirect her... and if needed, keep her separated from Otis.... Sharron, who has fostered lots of basenjis.. you might want to contact her privately...
    Again.. please DO NOT put a muzzle on this bitch... IMO... it will only make the situation worse

  • Houston

    No worries I will not muzzle her..remember the objective is to get her fostered to later move into a a forever home, that would not be a positive thing in her life and she needs positive right now. I am keeping at it, and getting between them when needed, it actually helsp if I gently pet her and tell her it is Ok and for her to calm down, I of course also reassure Otis and let him know it will be OK. She still gets at him, but it seems milder now, so I think speaking to her gently is helping..
    So far she has not bit any of us and I don't think she will, unless she is not seeing what leg belongs to whom..

  • Oh here is a rub…. you need to let her know that "jumping" Otis is NOT OK.... you need to be pro active ... that she knows that is not acceptable behavior... but it sounds like she needs to be an only Basenji in her forever home.... and you need to be careful that she gets the difference from what is and is not acceptable.

  • Houston

    I will work on that, and I think you might be right, unless her behaviour changes rapidly, she will need a home where she is the only B for sure, maybe even the only dog..
    Thanks for your thoughts and input..I need them badly..and appreciate them dearly.

  • Sounds like quite an evening…sorry things are rough. One question...I can't remember if you said...is Dot spayed?

    One thing to do is really observe her and her interaction with Otis - is there some sort of eye contact or body language thing going on that you haven't picked up on. It could even be Otis shooting her a glance of some sort that is setting her off - or not. If you pick up on it, you can end it before it escalates. But you really have to watch to see the signs.

    An example of what I mean...
    When Brando first got injured - there was a lot of bad glances going on between Ruby and Brando - and you could feel the tension in their energy. You could tell that Ruby was waiting to jump Brando, and it was up to me to make sure that didn't happen as he was injured and needed my protection. I think I said it before, but it ended up that I needed to separate the two of them for 6 weeks.

    Even though the energy was pretty much back to normal when he got his cast off and I re-introduced them, at first Ruby would still try to set up Brando to jump him - and I could tell it by watching the way she moved around him, the eye contact she made or tried to make, or her interaction with him when he was playing with Aaliyah. Thru redirection and inserting myself in the middle of the play to stop it when I could see the signs that it could go off the rails, Ruby has stopped the behavior and the pack is back to normal - in fact, I think better than before as Ruby seems more stable. I would say that any sort of trouble between Ruby and Brando never came without warning - it was just whether I was proactive and picked up on the warning signs and did anything about them. I do now. And if I couldn't watch them, I couldn't leave them in the same room together and trust that nothing would happen.

    It sounds like you might need to separate them while in the house. In my house, they could still see each other, but they couldn't get to each other.

    Pat had a good suggestion about contacting Sharron - I'm sure she's seen it all in fostering. I would also highly recommend 2 little books by Patricia McConnell - How to Be the Leader of the Pack and Feisty Fido. They are short reads, but have great advice.

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