In the days before computers, I kept a book (now its all carefully entered in to special folders on the 'machine' and provides me with a complete history) - total sickness record, including jabs and innoculations (and cost of pills / treatment), of each dog. Weight at birth of puppies, ease of whelping. Onset of seasons, boys starting to react (chuddering and showing interest), date relative to onset of color of the first time the girl's tail went over. Just about every aspect of each dog is carefully logged and catalogued.
Best time to neuter?
My puppy bitch came into season today at the age of almost 9 months.
I do not intend to breed from her and will be getting her spayed.
As basenjis usually have only one season a year, is there any particular time I should get this done or does the same rule apply as for 'normal' dogs? -
My puppy bitch came into season today at the age of almost 9 months.
I do not intend to breed from her and will be getting her spayed.
As basenjis usually have only one season a year, is there any particular time I should get this done or does the same rule apply as for 'normal' dogs?I would do it about a month after she goes out of season… while they typically only come in season once a year... they don't always read the same books that we humans do....
I would do it about a month after she goes out of season… while they typically only come in season once a year... they don't always read the same books that we humans do....
I know, her mother has decided to become a twice-a-year girl at the age of 4 1/2! :rolleyes:
Aw, little Dora's growing up!