Thanks for the suggestions. I also consulted with the obedience school trainer. She gave me some tips too.
Like, discipline both dogs. Usually, if one is growling, the other is doing something to antagonize the other. She was right. I have been watching them both and Hunter will glare at Bandit and stand so she can't get by. She then growls and it goes from there.
Can I just say how much fun the first squirt from the water bottle was? :D:D Oh my gosh, I almost fell over, I was holding my laughter in! Hunter was antagonizing and Bandit was reacting and I squirted both of them, dead on, in the head. They both jumped straight up in the air and ran, it was hilarious! :D:D Later, they came back together and Bandit was licking Hunter dry. Awww, precious moment. :o
They are both getting along a little better every day. The trainer also told me that they might never like each other but they can be trained to tolerate each other. I like to think that they already do like each other and that they are still getting used to one another. It's only been less than 4 months.
Hunter is coming along with his training. He sits pretty good and is working on stay but down is a hard one for him. I am using treats as a reward, for now. I try to work with him every day. That seems to be helping too.
Again, thanks for the tips!