• Here is a post from someone about their experience with them.


  • Thank you for info. So if someone says OFA Good and Eyes are PRA clear is that good or bad or wrong or right?
    I really just info from Maria as she has Jaycee's grandmother.

    Rita Jean

  • OFA good means that they have had the hips tested and graded by OFA, but as with anything, should always check it out for yourself at the OFA site.

    As far as PRA, there is no DNA test for PRA, so saying PRA clear is only as good as the day they were examined by a board certified Ophth Vet. PRA is late onset in our breed like Fanconi… many times it will not show up till over 5 or up to as late as 10yrs. old....

  • Thank you this dog will be 7 in Nov but I do not know when the PRA test was done.
    Thank you for telling me go look at OFA I knew that my brain in stuck in wrong gear this day.

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    Thank you this dog will be 7 in Nov but I do not know when the PRA test was done.
    Thank you for telling me go look at OFA I knew that my brain in stuck in wrong gear this day.

    Rita Jean

    Eye exams are only good for one year… so unless it is current, they can NOT claim PRA Clear.

    The bitch "Emerald" has PRA in the pedigree, both top and bottom. Note in the pedigree on the sire side Ch Gala All-American, he had PRA at age 3. Note on the sire and bitch side, Ch Changa Gala Celabration, who is the sire of Ch Gala All-America... Also, note Ch Akuaba's Tornado, also know to have produced PRA. We suppect that PRA is caused by a recessive gene, but again we do not have a DNA test to know at this time.

    The bitch Tinder has Ch Gala All-America also in the pedigree

    And I know this for a fact about Ch Gala All-America because his was the sire of my Mickii.... so it is not just "hear say"

  • Thank you again so we need to have Jaycee done once a year is that correct?
    What is it that is bad with the eyes?

    Rita Jean

  • Here is Jaycee's sire's OFA page. On it you can see his dam has an OFA hip rating his sire does not. There are no CERF results listed so you can not verify that the test was done or what year(s) it was done.


  • The BCOA health page explains what disorders breeders should be keeping track of in their lines including what is being looked for on eye exams.


  • Thank you all for the information. I am not really sure how "Emerald" got that name as her real name is Hacker's Precious Gem of Mariah. What ever really wanted to know more about eyes and health meaning. Thanks

    Rita Jean

  • Well, an Emerald is a "precious gem"…

  • @Rita:

    Thank you all for the information. I am not really sure how "Emerald" got that name as her real name is Hacker's Precious Gem of Mariah.

    I am assuming Emerald is her call name. Emeralds are precious gems.

  • And call names many times have nothing to do with the registered names…

  • True on gem told you I was stuck on wrong gear today.

    Rita Jean

  • Do you have any information on Itzyu Basenjis in VA? My mother and brother are adopting a "Golden Opportunity" dog from them next month.

  • @Lauma:

    Do you have any information on Itzyu Basenjis in VA? My mother and brother are adopting a "Golden Opportunity" dog from them next month.

    Can't go wrong with a Basenji from Itzyu Basenjis…. my opinion is go for it..... and they will get a great "golden opportunity" dog from them!

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