Buddy is not an under cover dog he'll start at the top of the bed, get his nose just under them and push them back to the foot of the bed bunched up then lay against it.
What Mcdonnalds character is your dog?
How fun..and yes I can see the likeness.
All three of my dogs are definitely the Hamburgler and it's not because of their appearance!!
Sometimes he's Ronnald, a real clown!
I'm not sure about Abby but Cooper is def hamburgler as he tried to steal my BBQ pork sandwich lastnight right off my plate!
I like the real clown look.
Rita Jean
Is it possible for a house living B to be any thing but a "hamburglar"? Mine doesn't beg but I can't leave anything for even a millisecond. Laying on the couch, sweet as can be, next thing ya know, spaghetti on the floor!! D_m stealthy b_t_ds!! Still gotta love their intelligence….despite recent reports!