What exactly is PK Deficiency?
It is not very commonly found ever since testing has been available for it. It is recommended that if you are just starting out and do not know the testing history of your dog's pedigree to test because there are still carriers in the population though fairly uncommon now. It can be done via cheek swab DNA test.
So, is this another test we should do on the same lines as fanconi?
I shall be checking this out with my breeder! I suspect that she may have had the same enquiry herself. However, we do know the lines our dogs have come from and I would think that there is nothing to worry about.
This is a recessive gene, like Fanconi. It can stay "hidden" for years worth of breeding. Like Fanconi, if you don't test, you don't know. Since this is a direct gene test, most of us consider if the sire and dam are clear the pups are also clear. But as Lisa said, there are still lines out there being bred that are not tested and that carry the gene.
There is a lab in the UK on the OFA website but I didn't see PKD on their list of tests though you could contact them to find out.
HealthGene and VetGen definately do offer the test.
OK, so can we get the test done in the UK, or do we need to go down the same route as the fanconi testing?
I know that Chris sent Cali's parents tests to VetGen for the test so not sure if there is anywhere in the UK for it:confused: Belle's parents were tested in Germany so they can do it there.
I've just checked Vet Gen and they do test. Not entirely convinced if it is necessary though. There is some info in Elspet Ford's The Complete Basenji, Also known as Haemolytic Anaemia. She says the condition was prevalent in the sixties but that the disease has declined until at present time it is virtually unknown due to selected breeding/exclusion of carriers. Does anyone know of any recent cases? would be interesting to find out.
Here is a carrier in the OFA database. Unlike the Fanconi test, I don't think owners have to submit their results to OFA in order to recieve results for their tests.
I've just checked Vet Gen and they do test. Not entirely convinced if it is necessary though. There is some info in Elspet Ford's The Complete Basenji, Also known as Haemolytic Anaemia. She says the condition was prevalent in the sixties but that the disease has declined until at present time it is virtually unknown due to selected breeding/exclusion of carriers. Does anyone know of any recent cases? would be interesting to find out.
This is not like the Fanconi test where the results are open and published. People had to submit the test to be posted on OFA, so there is no way really to know the status of a dog/bitch unless tested. Again, as with all testing, if you don't test, you don't know.. and while I believe it is pretty rare these days, I certainly would be testing if I didn't know what the background of the dogs in the pedigree were…. but that is just me.... remember Carrier genes can hide for generations... just look at the Fanconi results... entire kennels came back as carriers, yet the breeder said they didn't have one with Fanconi ever... playing the odds .... and till the test came out they really would not have cause to think otherwise... but in another two years and the entire breeding program would have imploded.
I have and mine are listed on the OFA site… but I only test the ones that I was breeding and since the sire's and dam's were clear, I didn't feel the need to test the off spring. Note too, if you search the OFA data base there is not many in there at all.. not like Fanconi were the results are automatically published.
For those here, like me, who has no idea what this is…......
Thank you for this topic. Learn something new every day :)
I've seen the odd one or two, but there doesn't seem to be many.
My point exactly.. since it is not a required test that is listed on OFA site.. and it is the person option to send in the results… not many did... so unless they have tested and have the results (paper in hand) you don't know...
Think about it.. in 20 yrs will people still be sure to make sure that testing was done for Fanconi?... same as HA/PK testing... just because we have not seen it, doesn't mean it is not out there