• How is Sugar doing?

  • She is doing wonderful. A completely different dog. We go in next week to retest her.

  • Thats realy good news Jennifer, i am so pleased for you and Sugar 🙂

  • hey, that is awesome! btw, HANSEL says hi! He is the most wonderful, loyal, loving, awesome pal you can imagine. He and jonny b. are BEST buds. Thanks again for helping get him to us. 🙂

  • Way to go Sugar keep up the excellent health.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    Awesome news. I am s o happy she is "back".

  • Jennifer, I just found this tread. So sorry that you have a difficult time with Sugar, but glad that she seems to be on the mend. keep us posted. I have only been a foster mom a couple of times and it was difficult to let them go. I had one that had I kept her another couple of weeks my husband said she was staying permantly. Ahhh she was adopted.

  • Jennifer! This is so crasy because Im looking to Foster a Shelter Basenji no one will adopt here in Oahu because he has heart Worms. Is it hard or expensive for treatment? Painful for the Basenji? I dont know too much about heart worms, but i know I dont want to turn away for this little guy, I feel like he Needs me. I just dont know what to do.
    Here is his Page: http://www.hawaiianhumane.org/adoptions_detail?opt=dog&id=472662&page=1&select_type=&select_breed=&sysgender=&syssize=

    If you have any advise please let me know 🙂 Sugar is in my thoughts!!

  • @Capt_Jack_our_Basenji:

    Jennifer! This is so crasy because Im looking to Foster a Shelter Basenji no one will adopt here in Oahu because he has heart Worms.

    Is it hard or expensive for treatment?The TX here ran about $500. I think in other parts of the country it is around $800.

    Painful for the Basenji? The TX is aweful on the dog. Before the TX the dogs are depressed and really do not move. After they are treated they have to be confined for 3-4 weeks. They don't eat, don't move and scream in pain when you try to pick them up. There is also no guarantee the TX will actually work. If it doesn't you have to repeat it.

    I dont know too much about heart worms, but i know I dont want to turn away for this little guy, I feel like he Needs me. I just dont know what to do.
    Here is his Page: http://www.hawaiianhumane.org/adoptions_detail?opt=dog&id=472662&page=1&select_type=&select_breed=&sysgender=&syssize=

    If you have any advise please let me know 🙂 Sugar is in my thoughts!!

    It is an absolutley excruciating treatment. And it broke my heart to see her that way. But, and this is a big but, Once they start feeling better, they are a completely different dog. She plays now, eats like a hog, gets into trouble. Everything a good Basenji does. So the reward is amazing. I looked on the site and there was no record for that dog. Maybe he did get adopted….

    Good luck.

  • @jonny:

    hey, that is awesome! btw, HANSEL says hi! He is the most wonderful, loyal, loving, awesome pal you can imagine. He and jonny b. are BEST buds. Thanks again for helping get him to us. 🙂

    Give Ansel a big kiss from me. Then tell him Dash says hi. :p

  • will do. 🙂

  • Update on Sugar:

    Monday she went in to give her her HW pill. The TX was supposed to kill off the adults but she still had microfiliaria floating in her system. I had to give it to her at the vets for a fear of anaphylaxis from the medication mixing with the worms. She did have an anaphylactic reaction and had to get some steroid injections, and an IV. She was white as a sheet when I got there but at least they got her stable. She had to stay at an overnight ER for monitoring but we were able to bring her home the next morning.

    $300 later, she is fine now at home but we have to do it again next month. Hopefully it will be better.

    Did you give you heartworm pill this month??

  • ((BIG hugs)) to you and Sugar. Keep us updated…Good luck with the next treatment. Will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery!

  • Houston

    omg Jennifer, that is horrible..poor Sugar. I sure hope next month will be easier for her..
    and YES heartworm meds are distributed every month at this house..

  • Dash, thanks for the update. I hope Sugar is soon doing better. That heartworm treatment is a b**ch for any dog. I hope your continued updates convince people that the the annual blood work and preventative are well worth their time and money, because as you well know, the alternative is quite a bit more costly and painful for the dog (and family) in the long run.

    Again, thank you and my prayers to you for a better month for you and Sugar.

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