Lewisville, IN LGRA
Wish I could come Lisa! Just can't get the time off work and money to go. I missed seeing you up our way over the holiday, phooey! Well hopefully we'll get a chance to visit at the national. I plan on coming for the coursing day at least.
RVL, I'm hopefully going to Oberlin, we'll have to see how time/money is. Would love to visit!
Good deal! If I don't catch you there, I will def. see you in KY!
Good deal! If I don't catch you there, I will def. see you in KY!
Sounds like a plan! :)
Lewisville was beautiful weather and great running dogs. I had the bookends both days. Xander was first and Trog the turtle. 6 dogs running. I may have to go to Ft. Hood TX over the week that Oberlin happens, trying to get out of the trip so I can race instead.
Just Terry and Jan and Andy there with us. The usual running crew:)
Having some issues with computers. Not sure if the website is able to be easily updated. Here are the picasa web album links until I can verify for those who would like to visit.Not so many good Senji shots as its hard to take potos and box dogs. Tend to get more going away shots and we all know what the view from the rear is like :-)
Joe & Lisa Stewart
www.fidnet.com/~istew -
Tend to get more going away shots and we all know what the view from the rear is like :-)
Haha! You had lots of good shots to see. Looks like a lot of fun! I'm excited about Oberlin - I hope the weather is good!
Jada enjoyed lots of practice runs with all the other dogs and was very good, it looks like she is getting over some of her muzzle issues. Still the fastest dog out there. The OBs will be fun.