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What reactions do you get?

Basenji Talk
  • Shelley,
    Tell me you don't mean the window cleaner????


  • I don't get a lot of people thinking they know what breed Tosca is, but if people do attempt a guess it's usually some kind of terrier. They are definitely conversation starters, however, I've been asked about her many times! It's funny, though, cause even though she is 4 yrs old, everyone think she is a puppy, and don't believe it when I tell them otherwise. They are like, "Are you sure she is full grown?" I've had her for over two years, I think I am pretty certain :P
    I live in a small town of only about 4000 people, though, so I am impressed that two people have actually stopped me and known she was a basenji. That was funny, too, cause they didn't even really stop me…they kinda ran out of their houses freaking out asking "IS THAT A BASENJI!!?!?" They were so excited to see one :P One person had one whe he was younger, the other one had a late sister/friend/someone (I forgot) that used to breed them around here years ago. Either way, it's fun to watch people's reactions!

  • Well Alan, we do have very friendly window cleaners around here :D

  • The only time Shaye's tail is uncurled is when she's asleep and when she's scared. I don't play with it, and don't encourage others to do it - I know they won't "break" it, but I just feel like it shouldn't be messed with. No reason, just a feeling.

  • Like anything if your dog is not used to having their tail uncurled then they will think it is something "odd" when it is done. If the first time it is done by a stranger and the dog overreacts it can end up being a bad situation. I don't encourage people to do it but people seem compelled to do it. I don't mean just people we meet on the street, I mean vets, vet techs, and even AKC judges have all uncurled my dogs tails. So I uncurl tails as part of their socialization so when it happens they think "whatever, people are weird." So it is no big deal.

  • My bs tail will go straight when she runs the faster she goes the straighter her tail is. it funny to watch.:)

  • I work at a dog bakery so I am surrounded by "dog people" as customers and very rarely will any of them know that Shango is a basenji.

    I've heard every guess in the book. The other day a man even tried to convince me that Shango was a Fox Terrier by comparing him to a dog one of his friend's had! I told him to hang out with Shango and then hang out with that Fox Terrier and he'd certainly know the difference!

  • It always takes me at least 3 times as long to do anything when I'm out with the pack! People on the street just have to stop, talk and ask questions. Most people haven't got a clue what they are. The most frequently asked question (apart from 'What is it??') from the people who have a little knowledge of them is if it's true that they don't bark. I tell them that they make up for it in other ways!
    I sometimes find people as a child have had an aunt or neighbour etc with one.

    Sometimes I laugh and tell people that they are Jack Russell's with novelty tails. :D
    And if I'm in a hurry, I DON'T take the dogs!

  • People around here have a lot of hunting dogs (labs, retrievers, spaniels, etc.) so generally I get the "what kind of dog is that" question rather than guesses. Occasionally I'll come across someone who knows; not too often though.

  • @wizard:

    People around here have a lot of hunting dogs (labs, retrievers, spaniels, etc.) so generally I get the "what kind of dog is that" question rather than guesses. Occasionally I'll come across someone who knows; not too often though.

    That or when you do tell them the breed, they have the most puzzled look on their face.

  • With my two I play tail games, we have "Give that curly" where I grab the tail and then let it slide out my hand as they dash away.

    Then there's "Get your Tail" where we uncurl the tail and I hand them the tip and they hold on to it for a few seconds or if they are standing up might do a few circles or chase for a sec

  • I still get alot of people who ask what breed zoe is. At least at 8 months no one asks if she is a chi anymore. Some start out asking what kind of mix she is. Every once in awhile someone recognizes that she is a basenji. Just yesterday we were waiting outside a sheetz gas station when a woman looked up and saw zoe at the window with me and had to come over to ask if she was a B.

    I get people who uncurl her tail all the time luckily she doesnt mind in the least you can touch her all over no problem. And most of the time she loves the attention. I swear if someone passes by her without petting and adoring her she will look at them like they are idiots.

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