Talk about a disappointment. I spoke with the Franklin Co. Humane Society and they sent me an application for Nano's adoption. Filled it out and now, four days later, recieved this in an e-mail:
_Hi Andrew,
I was just getting ready to call you actually. The Basenji was returned to his owner on Sunday. He had come in as a stray, and had been here for quite a while. The owner had been looking for him, but had not come in to fill out a "Lost Dog Report".
We were very happy for him to be returned to his owner, however, you would have been our choice for his new home.
With your permission, we will keep you in mind if we have another basenji come in.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Jennifer Buescher
FCHS Office Manager_
I'm just disappointed a little bit frustrated. I spoke with the woman over the phone, (Not Jennifer) and was told Nano was an owner surrender. The different stories confuses me and makes me think something else was wrong. Perhaps the distance scared them away?