Not eating or drinking water
You may want to get some NutriCal. It is a high calorie gel. That way he starts to get some calories in him and hopefully starts to feel better. You can get it at places like Petsmart and Petco.
And when it comes to baby foods, I would stick with the meat flavors if you really want to entice them to eat. They have the ones that are only meat and also the ones that are like chicken and sweet potato.
Ivoss-thanks for the idea about NurtiCal. I hadn't though of that. My main concern is getting calories in him along with water etc. Since cody loves bananas and apples I bought that first to see if he would eat it, but if I have to continue I will get the meat flavors esp. for the protein. I was also looking for a type of can dog food that maybe I can force feed him or get him to eat on his own. Any suggestions. I don't want him to become to comfortable with human food.
Great news that he seems a little more himself. Please keep us posted on his progress…((hugs)) for you, must be so stressed!
I would look for the highest calorie food that you can find. When my cat was going through fatty liver we had to get him to eat 200 calories a day. Not an easy task when they don't want to eat so we searched for the highest calorie foods we could find so he didn't have to eat very much to hit that mark. Canine Caviar had some good high calorie foods at the time.
I would recommend doing some label reading to find which foods are high calorie. Also, we found with our cat that he wouldn't eat the same food for very long after being ill so we had to start rotating his foods.
I agree with rotating foods - eventually when he finds something he can eat without feeling bad he will eat it. Sounds obvious but in my experience Basenjis have very good reasons for refusing some foods when they are ill. Please try not to force feed him if he's reluctant to eat it.
I had a bitch who had been poisoned and it was many days before she got back to normal (for her) feeds. Don't be frustrated when he eats something once and then refuses it next time. I know it can be expensive and wasteful but there you go!
We eventually found that my bitch would eat fish which she stayed on for many weeks but then went back to her normal food when her body had recovered.
I have watched this thread from the beginning but didn't post as everybody had good advice for you - however I've been praying for your boy's return to health. -
Vet call me at work around 4:00 after discussing his still ongoing issues she asked me to bring in him after work. She re examined him, more x-rays. She is concerned he is still vomiting and agrees with me the force feeding should be a last option. So she hospitalized him overnight and is going to do IV fluids and nutrients. ( he had lost another 1 1/2 lbs in 3 days) Going to do a more intensive blood panel test, urinanalysis and possibly ultra sound in the morning. He had become dehyrdated again.
Vet call me at work around 4:00 after discussing his still ongoing issues she asked me to bring in him after work. She re examined him, more x-rays. She is concerned he is still vomiting and agrees with me the force feeding should be a last option. So she hospitalized him overnight and is going to do IV fluids and nutrients. ( he had lost another 1 1/2 lbs in 3 days) Going to do a more intensive blood panel test, urinanalysis and possibly ultra sound in the morning. He had become dehyrdated again.
Poor baby.. but you did the right thing… and on fluids... They also make a doggy "ensure" product that you can get at petco or pet smart... once he is home... they are very high in calories
I can not believe all the things poor Cody has to go through…I hope the will find something concrete to tell you so you don't have to do this wild goose chase.
ivoss-my vet is not strong supporter of barium swallow b/c if they have to surgically open the digestive track open they don't like to have the barium in the system that could leak out.
They will do it but not a first choice option for them. They would rather do an ultra sound and endoscopy first. -
Heard back from the vet this morning. Cody is more active since getting fluids etc. stopped vomiting, but still won't eat. All blood work red/white blood count etc came back normal. Urninanalysis showed a little high on proteins but they think that b/c he's dehydrated. Glucose came back normal. They are now taking the x-rays they took last night to the med-vet I took him to on wed. night to compare the x-rays and get a 2nd opinion. They also want to run a test for Addisions's disease. Has anyone heard of that?, have any experiance, or heard of a basenji having it?
very sorry to hear about Cody, hopefully the vet will now get to the bottom of it. What a worry for you.:(
Good news about Cody feeling a little better this morning. I have heard about addison's disease but don't know any about it. Keeping my fingers crossed that today is the day you get some answers.
ivoss-my vet is not strong supporter of barium swallow b/c if they have to surgically open the digestive track open they don't like to have the barium in the system that could leak out.
They will do it but not a first choice option for them. They would rather do an ultra sound and endoscopy first.I have to agree here… my vets are not fans of the barium either and will do ultrasound and/or endoscopy also....
Heard back from the vet this morning. Cody is more active since getting fluids etc. stopped vomiting, but still won't eat. All blood work red/white blood count etc came back normal. Urninanalysis showed a little high on proteins but they think that b/c he's dehydrated. Glucose came back normal. They are now taking the x-rays they took last night to the med-vet I took him to on wed. night to compare the x-rays and get a 2nd opinion. They also want to run a test for Addisions's disease. Has anyone heard of that?, have any experiance, or heard of a basenji having it?
Addisions is pretty uncommon for any dog to get….. Cushings would be more likely. However, very possible that there could be tumors on the adrenal glands... but for both usually you find that they drink loads of water (both with Addisions and Cushings), same as you would find with Fanconi....
I have heard of Addison's, as one of my B's has Cushing's disease which is the opposite of Addison's. Addison's is quite treatable, so you may want to hope that this is what is wrong. Lots of info. on Addison's on the internet. Hang in there!
ivoss-my vet is not strong supporter of barium swallow b/c if they have to surgically open the digestive track open they don't like to have the barium in the system that could leak out.
I understand and that is my vet's first choice also but sometimes it is the only thing that will show a blockage. The other thing would be is there an ultrasound specialist in the area. My vet will do ultrasound themselves for many things but in difficult cases they will bring in a specialist because often times they will see things that others will miss.
I understand and that is my vet's first choice also but sometimes it is the only thing that will show a blockage. The other thing would be is there an ultrasound specialist in the area. My vet will do ultrasound themselves for many things but in difficult cases they will bring in a specialist because often times they will see things that others will miss.
My Vets are the same, while they do some ultrasound, usually they schedule a specialist once a week, if something is more of any emerency, then we go to the specialist. Lucky that we have two to choose from that are pretty close. Also, when we were trying to find Kristii's problem a few years ago (very similar to this boys problem), the barum did move through, however with the ultrasound they immediately saw the blockage and we knew surgery was needed asap…. Regardless, sounds like your Vet is on top of trying to get to the bottom of the problem.....