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URGENT ADVICE - Possible insect sting

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Ok, I woul deffinitly start with half a tablet and then you?ll see how it works. Please, don?t worrry if your girl will be a bit more sleepy after it, it is normal.

  • I've been reading up on Loratadine and it is the generic name for Clarytin. Some websites say it should be OK to give her 1/2 tab. What do you guys think?

  • Now I am reading Loratadin is not recommended to children, maybe you should use the first one with Citrizin Hydrochlorid, it is the same like in tablets I use to give my dogs when they have allergic reaction on sting.

  • I'm going to try her on half a loratadine tablet. I'll let you know how I get on. I'm trying to get a pic of her face off my phone but having no luck. Fingers crossed!

  • I don?t think you will hurt her anyway:) So let us know. But next time you should take her the tablet just after an insect will sting her, it is more useful.

  • I only wish I knew what happened to her. Husbands are useless at that sort of thing. I was at work all day and Douglas had his day off and was at home to walk and look after the dogs. We're not having a good time of it at the moment. All the dogs seem to have bumps and bruises of some sort or another. We have a Breed Champ Show next weekend. Typical!

  • If it was just bee or something like this, it will be okay till tomorrow. Will see that she will be absolutly all right very soon, I am sure.

  • I think she will be ok too Vicki, hopefully her face has finished swelling and will probably back to normal tomorrow. If she is breathing fine now, it probably wont get worse, poor little thing.

  • Many years ago I had the same thing with one of my afghans, he looked like a blood hound with bumps all over his body. If she is not in any distress I would just keep an eye on her, I hope you see an improvement soon Vicki.

  • Thank you all for your positive thoughts. We're going to let Nakura sleep in bed with us tonight so we can keep a close eye on her. The swelling hasn't got any worse and she has even managed to grump at one of her sons so she must be feeling a bit better! LOL. I'll let you all know how she is in the morning. :)

  • I sure hope she feels better soon. I googled home remedies for bee stings and several homey things pulled, like dabbing it with applecider vinegar, making a paste wth baking soda and vinegar and the like. I really hope she will do better on the pill, but if not you might want to see what you have on hand in your pantry to help her out.

  • Trouble being I can't see anything. I think it's in her mouth as she won't let me open her jaws. She seems to be slightly better and is certainly enjoying all the extra attention. Although she is thoroughly spoilt already. :)

  • Ok, being that I have never been to Scotland (I am swedish so it is a shame..)but do y'all have nettles there? In sweden we do and they are very bad even for dogs. But you think it is inside her mouth? Considering she won't let you open it, I bet you are right on..poor thing. My Westie on time got into an antmound and they bit him so bad taht he couldn't see through his eye, his nostrile were swolen shut, and his face looked like he wad been in a boxing match..we ended up giving him Benadryl and it got better within the hour. I know you don't have any benadryl, do you have anything at hoem for allergies? It might work.

  • I hadn't thought on nettles. We have loads here and Nakura is forever trying to grab grass from the verges when out for a walk. Maybe she has had a mouthful of nettles?

  • Vicky, years ago one of our GSDs got a bee sting on his nose, his head swelled up and he had bumps all over. Like you, it was at the weekend. Took no worse effects and the vet said if he's ok after a few hours, no panick. Any really serious effects normally happen quite soon after the sting/bite. The treatments advised will probably just make her more comfy. Hope she settles tonight ok. We stilll had to get our GSD some antibiotics for any infections etc, your vet will advise.

  • I don't know, she very well could've gotten into it..I wish she would let you look at her mouth. If she was bit by something the stinger might still be in her right? Maybe tonight, well it already is night for you , isn't it, maybe when she settles down to sleep, she might let you look and see what you can see. Either way i wish y'all have a good night and that she is getting better from here on out.

  • yes, maybe when she's a bit sleepy she might let you look in her mouth incase there is anything there. Hope she's ok tomorrow.

  • I hope she is better tomorrow - don't forget to order Apis Mel 30c and Urtica Urens 30c to keep by you in future. Ainsworth's 'phone no. is 02079355330, they are on the web but I've found they will post quicker when the order is given over the 'phone (next day if ordered a.m). They aren't open Saturdays and obviously too late for Nakura's this time but these are two of several remedies that I always keep.
    Why is it that these things always happen over the weekend?!!!!
    I'm sure she'll be ok , keep in touch.

  • @Benkura:

    I've been reading up on Loratadine and it is the generic name for Clarytin. Some websites say it should be OK to give her 1/2 tab. What do you guys think?

    That is the dosage my vet gave me…5 mg every 12 to 24 h.

  • Do let us know how it goes.

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