Looking to adopt a young basenji in Florida

  • Hello my family and I are looking to adopt a young basenji (not necessarily a puppy). We live close to Tampa. If you know of a young basenji that will do well with kids, it is not destructive and is looking for a nice permanent home, please let us know.

  • Thank you Dan. I registered with BRAT will check petfinders.

  • Let us know how it's going. There are several people from Florida on this forum as well that may know of something.

  • jbls, In Missouri there is a Male that is three years old go to webedoggies. Also the fanconi test has been done on him I am pretty sure. Adoption fee not that much not sure how you would get him. Check it out he needs a home to. Lets us know.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    I hope you have luck in finding that perfect little B to join y'all in Tampa. Have you done your research on the breed? I am only asking since you said non destructive in you description. I realize you might find a B that doesn't break things, but odds are that the B will have some of the quirky personalities we have all grown to love (and live with), like shredding paper, toilet and regular printerpaper, pull down wet towels to play and lay on as well as their ever lasting instinct to nest i.e dig on your couch, in your bed and on any other soft fluffy material.

  • @Rita:

    jbls, In Missouri there is a Male that is three years old go to webedoggies. Also the fanconi test has been done on him I am pretty sure. Adoption fee not that much not sure how you would get him. Check it out he needs a home to. Lets us know.

    Rita Jean

    I am sure this is going to cause a "Big" stir with the group, but here goes. In my opinion this is not the place to refer for a dog or puppy. In my opinion these are not responsible breeders… two glaring examples.. 1. cost more for the papers (which by the way is against AKC rules and regulations to charge extra for the registration papers) and 2. Selling or giving away bitches/dogs when they no long can produce puppies for them to sell. I find it really sad that someone would keep a bitch for 10yrs, breed it who know how many times, make money off those pups and then when the bitch is of no use any longer, give her away and sell (even for 50.00 for the papers) it....is very sad.

    While they may do Fanconi testing, they do no other health testing, they would be better served to keep the money they claim to give to Basenji testing and do health testing on dogs they are breeing. One point in their favor is that at least they will take back what they sell (making a point of saying no charge, meaning they are not going to charge someone to return the dog?)... of course, they are going to resell that pup..

    In my opinion, they do not have rescues, they have dogs that they want to get rid of... These are not rescues...

    I think they need to go back and read Ten Favors a Dog asks from a Man... they need to re-read #9

    Please contact BRAT for you companion

  • We did extensive research on the breed and talked to several owners. I found several "interesting" stories online about how destructive they can be. But we think that this type of behavior is more related to ignoring them and not paying the necessary attention. Since we are looking to provide a 2nd chance to young Basenji (not a puppy that we can socialize from the beginning), we are looking for one that has not been traumatized. We are ready for occasional challenge ..believe me .. we have kids .. 🙂

  • Houston

    I second what Tanza said, it saddens me immensly to see those two dogs being basically given away, especially since Duke is no rescue, he is the father of my dog…they might have "rescued" him at one point, but they did use him for a litter, so rescue..I don't buy that..sorry to say. The female has had a litter as well..for them that is, more then likely she has had a lot of litters over her years..I'd take her just to get her inside in my home, where a dog like that belongs, inside with her humans, especially since she has been so "used" over the years, poor thing, but my house is full.

    JBLS, I am glad that you know what to look for in a B, I just wanted to give you a heads up. My Otis has not been very destructive yet (?!?), but I have heard horror stories so I know it can happen. I am sure you will find what you want/looking for with either Brat or Petfinder. You could also check out some of your local shelters for B-mixes, but then again, you don't know what you are getting, as far as traumatized dog. Most shelters have connections with petfinders anyway. Some responsible breeders have juvenile dogs they are looking to rehome, so if you have a breeder that you have looked into, they might know of a B that needs to be rehomed..A responsible breeder will have had all health testing done, and it will be proudly displayed on their website, if not more then likely it is a shady breeder..
    I hope you find him/her soon.

  • "But we think that this type of behavior is more related to ignoring them and not paying the necessary attention"

    I respectfully disagree with the above statement.

    A lot of it is just innate prankster stuff. Some of it is collateral damage (ie..digging for nesting). A few rescued/re-homed have anxiety problems that manifest as destructive behavior, but I think after you read here a little more you'll come to the same conclusion I have, that many of these problems stem from previous abuse.

    Ignoring a Basenji is almost impossible. As a matter of fact, I don't know if it's ever been done:)

  • Pat your "BIG STIR" is correct BRAT is not the only place were homeless dogs go. Finding homes for these dogs would be a lot better for them then to just get mad and upset. Do something about it and find them homes talk is so cheap and action is were it counts. They need homes. I did not see BRAT or for that matter any of you on here help the 1/2 Basenji that was at Wayside Waifs and I offered to pay the fee and I even went to see the dog.
    I do not like the ten year old not having a home WHY do you people think I tell people to look there to be STUPID I am in hopes they get homes. If no one ever says anything they sit without homes that makes all of us BAD and only caring for the ones we choose to not ALL dogs. That is wrong how caring are we as people when we only care for some.

    Rita Jean

  • Rita Jean this perpetuates BYBs and Puppymills. Giving these people money for dogs that they have used and are through with so they will just get more to breed or breed offspring that they have kept and keep doing the same thing.

    Go to reputable rescues if you want to save a life. Do NOT give money to millers and perpetuate the cycle.

  • That is not fair or correct to the dogs that are there. Just because you are there to bad you stay there you do not need a home. You do not need a home beacuse you happen to belong to the wrong person.

    To Otis mother had you done your homework better before getting Otis then you may have the right to say something bad otherwise like some of us including me did not do there homework first only after.

    Rita Jean

  • It is less fair and more cruel to condemn their puppies to the same fate by making room for the "breeders" new generation of cash crop. And is that harsh, yes, but it doesn't make it any less true.

  • Rita Jean,
    what happened to the little 1/2 Basenji, do you know?

  • Houston

    Rita Jean, I had done what I thought was my homework, I only realized once I saw those two dogs listed for sale or free, that truly I hadn't. A breeder that truly cares for the dogs he has or has already sold do not keep them outdoors as stated in the ad "I was once an indoor dog, but it has been a while…" . You said you were there yourself and your husband asked to see the adult dogs and you were told they were outside. Did you ever see them? A ten year old dog that has been bred by them and is now being given away for free, that is not a responsible breeder. I am sorry to say. What is it I said that in your mind you think was bad? I am merely telling the truth. I even spoke to Mark the other day about them hopefully doing some more testing, like eyes before they go on and breed more. I do believe that if something were to come up and you needed to bring your dog back to them, they would take it back to resell, which is good.
    I did not mean to get you all upset, but you did your research, you spent several hours there, rememeber..?
    Either way, regardless of how you feel, it is not good to help these types of business going and yes, the poor dogs get caught in the middle. If we do buy then the BYB keeps the doors open, if we don't then the dogs don't get the home they so clearly deserve.
    I am sorry I made anybody upset, I am extremely upset myself, but I only have one person to blame and that would be me, myself and I.

  • Go to google and check out anything with puppymill on it.
    Look at the photos..they will make you SICK.
    Don't believe us..check it out.
    PUPPYMILLS are HELL on earth for dogs.
    If you buy from them or pet shops, then your supporting this.
    Please, check out the websites..there are a ton.
    Then lets talk.

  • Getting a Basenji from someplace like Webedoggies is just supporting their cash crop… they are taking no responsibility in a dog that could live another 5 to 6 yrs... and on top of that, they have admitted that it is not house dog, so now you have a double edged sword... one that most likely has temperament problems, is not house trained, is not used to people, along with "I used to live indoors". Clue to that dog is "I am very loving once I get to know you"... that in itself is a pretty tell statement.

    When there are responsible rescue groups, why would anyone want to support someone that only cares about the all mighty dollar... and that is all they are doing, dumping what is no longer any used to them... Honestly, I wonder about the male, since they are dumping him at 3yrs...

  • Tanza wrote…Honestly, I wonder about the male, since they are dumping him at 3yrs...
    My question
    Isn't 3 yrs old the time frame that the fanconis starts to show up?

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Go to google and check out anything with puppymill on it.
    Look at the photos..they will make you SICK.
    Don't believe us..check it out.
    PUPPYMILLS are HELL on earth for dogs.
    If you buy from them or pet shops, then your supporting this.
    Please, check out the websites..there are a ton.
    Then lets talk.

    Well put Sharron, to buy these dogs is to support these people.. give them reasons to keep breeding… yes sometimes life is really hard and sometimes you have to make hard choice. If this were a case of these people trying to sell/give away all their dogs and not breed anymore, many groups would consider stepping in to try and help the dogs. That is not the case, all these people care about is cutting costs and breeding more puppies to sell. If you search the forum, you will find posts from these same kind of people looking for ways to cut costs and breed cheap....

    I do not toss out my elders when they become old, they have a home for life with us, they are family... and trust me... having 4 elders all within 3yrs of each other is work when they get to be
    14, 15, 16 and 17yrs old... And the worst is knowing that at anytime you can lose them... or have to help them over the rainbow bridge.

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