Normally the clubs have practices after the Saturday trials. Unfortunately none of the clubs in our area have separate practice days. You might also think about going to some of the lira meets for straight run practices. The schedule is at
Lure Coursing in Scotland!!
Great News!
It's probably going to be about a 3 hour drive for me, but I'm still up for it. Noticed that there's a Travelodge at Kinross which could come in handy!
I work in retail, so I don't get a lot of weekend time off, but I'm actually off this Sunday. -
This Sunday is my last free Sunday for quite a while (prob Sept). Stirling is about 80 mins drive and Kinross about 3 hours.
That's great news:D Must find a house soon! Both places will be local for me.
Great News!
It's probably going to be about a 3 hour drive for me, but I'm still up for it. Noticed that there's a Travelodge at Kinross which could come in handy!
I work in retail, so I don't get a lot of weekend time off, but I'm actually off this Sunday.You can come and stay with me when I move across:D
That's great news:D Must find a house soon! Both places will be local for me.
You can come and stay with me when I move across:D
LOL! I was just thinking how handy it will be for you!!:D
Hurry up and move!! -
LOL! I was just thinking how handy it will be for you!!:D
Hurry up and move!!I know i know, feeling even more frustrated now lol Do you think John would mind me buying a house while he is away:p
i know i know, feeling even more frustrated now lol do you think john would mind me buying a house while he is away:p
needs must!! :d lol
Will try and get more details incase you all want to go this sunday. I will be down at Kelso - a gundog club are holding an eye testing session ( i missed out getting Tilly done at SKC) -
made a wee mistake - its racing most sundays at Blair Drummond - they are having a lure coursing day in August. But we could have a go at the racing surely?
Racing sounds good to me!!
Racing would still be good fun:D