Does anybody know of lure coursing in Texas

  • Houston

    I really would like to know of some lurecoursing events here in Texas that I could go look at. It sounds like a lot of fun, for the dog but also for me. Does anybody have any information for courses in this area or in Houston to be exact


  • Have you checked out (then go to Trial Schedule) or (then events, Event and Awards Search) if you then scroll to Lure coursing tests and trial under competition type and click the state of TX, and search you will get all the trials in Texas for the year. Doesn't look like there are any until December that are approved right now, but I would think with the heat/humidity in TX that they don't course very often in the summer. Same with ASFA, looks like there are some in December.

  • Houston

    Thanks Tanza I will look at these sites. I imagine it is a good thing their not doing anything in the summer, due to how hot it gets here, so we have to wait until December.

  • Yes here in GA there is nothing until September and events sort of wrapped up in April. So when we go to the National Specialty in September our dogs won't have coursed at all for months and months…....oh well.

  • Yes, check out the links that Pat provided, those are the two lure coursing organizations. Although UKC will hopefully have some soon too. There is also and, those are the racing associations, which have similar events like lure coursing in the dog's eye.

    I also want to add that even though they post the actual trials/meets on their websites, there might be other places that hold fun runs and/or practices throughout the year that won't get noted with the organizations. So you may want to contact the clubs that are listed as holding these trials. So search for any lure/race events in TX and maybe even surrounding areas, and then get the contact info the clubs that hold these. All the event websites have a link somewhere or another for the club contact info. Or you can try to google them, some have websites. Then club members will be able to give you a better idea of when there might be some unoffical practice time at a park or someone's farm. In many cases the only chance of practice is in the afternoon of the competitions. But some clubs or individuals with the land and equipment will hold monthly or even weekly practices, if you can get in touch with the right people to find out about them. That is, IF there's anything in your area.

    I do know that GIT (Gazehounds in Texas) is an active group. They might be a good source for info.

  • Also check out your local basenji club too

    This is the link for the Dallas Fort-Worth Club, the Basenji

    The "Basenji Club of Greater Houston" website has expired, but I'm sure if you contact someone from DFW they can put you in contact with someone in the Houston area.

    You can go to the Basenji Club of America and scroll down to the bottom of that page and it also has an email address for the Austin basenji club

    The BCOA also on this page, has the links to the left you can click through them and find where there will be meets for the different types of races - lure, oval, straight. It also provides great info about the events. ANd getting your dog into the different ones is IMO good training for them

  • Houston

    Thank you so much for all the info. I will definitetly check all this out. I already tried to see if there is a local, like Houston local, Basenji club but no luck. The closest one I've found is the Dallas/Ft Worth one, but I will contact them and see what I can find out.

  • Good luck! Hope you can get him out to try it, it's a blast. 🙂

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Thank you so much for all the info. I will definitetly check all this out. I already tried to see if there is a local, like Houston local, Basenji club but no luck. The closest one I've found is the Dallas/Ft Worth one, but I will contact them and see what I can find out.

    There is the Houston club, or there used to be; I'm pretty sure there still is, but like I mentioned their website is just expired. I know like for me my local club it happened the same way and they are now just getting the site of the ground again with having purchased a domain like two weeks ago.

    Contact the DFW people and see if they can put in contact with any of the Houston people. I have meet a few of the Dallas people they are really nice, they were up here in Oklahoma for a Lure Course the Indian Nation Basenji Club held of Memorial Day weekend

  • Houston

    Basenji Fan, I tried to contact the Austin NBasenji club, I guess since they are closer to me, but the email address on one of the websites didn't work. I will contact Dallas as well. You are right the Houston Club is down…maybe I need to get another one going.. On this forum it doesn't seem to be very many Houstonians. but I might be wrong, maybe all the houstonians are out playing and not responding on the

  • I used to live in Houston and at that time from 2001-2004 when I was coursing I had the only B coursing in Houston. There are Bs that course in Hutto-near Austin and in Dallas. My dog coursed mostly in Hutto. I was at Hutto in February and I had the only B. Are you interested in ASFA or AKC or both? For AKC, you would have to go to Dallas and/or OK for majors. I hope to move back to TX soon, within a year (if the economy gets better). Right now I have 2 older Bs, Arnie, who is eight, can run in either veterans or field champion stake for ASFA. I rarely run in AKC anymore since he has his FC and MC title. My other B is 10 and I only run her every so often. I have been considering getting an adult lure coursing B.

    The lure coursing in TX usually begins in late October/early November and goes through March. Once at Hutto, I believe in January, there was snow on the ground when we first began but it quickly melted.

    Do you go to the dog parks in Houston? I used to go to the dog park in West Houston and I also went to the indoor one that was near the Heights/Inner Loop. I visit Houston from time to time so perhaps we can meet up.

  • Houston

    I would love to meet up if you were to come on by. Just let me know. I have never been to a dog park, but used to live in the Heights. I can't believe I missed that one.
    I guess I woud be more interested in ASFA, but anything at this point sounds so cool. My B is still fairly young, only 5 months old, but I would definitely be interested in starting coursing..


    The alamo area whippet club has all the TX and neighboring states events on their calendar at this link, we course our two basenjis in AR and OK. TX is too far, except in Dec for the AKC LC nationals.

  • Houston

    Thanks for the info, lisa. I did see this website, and guess I have to wait for October to roll around the corner.. Can't wait.

  • TX is just too hot to run most of the year I spent 9 yrs in the Killeen area with my 4 basenjis, very little running due to the heat. Try some indoor events in the summer like rally or agility, mine love it.

  • Houston

    Thanks for the ideas. i will try to do you know where I might want to look for agility or rally?

  • You can get decriptions of the events and even links to organizations online. Your vets office may know of local trainers. When I was in TX the lady who taught my first two basenjis basic obedience held her classes outside in a park. Nearly every community has someone who advertises classes and training in basic obedience. Obedience is normally a requirement before going into rally or agility as both you and the dog have to know the various turns and commands. Here in Missouri I take classes with our local kennel club at my vets building for rally. Unfortunately there are no agility classes within an hour of my location right now so we are not competing in agility.

  • Houston

    Otis is in a beginner Obedience class, he has three more classes to go. I did see some things online, but will also ask my trainer, or should I say Otis'

  • There is a lure coursing event happening above Austin 10/23 & 10/24. It's in Hutto. I don't know if Basenjis will be there, but I'm going to go. It's been an interest of mine for a long time. 🙂 I want to see what I need to do in order to get Nayru involved…if she shows an interest, that is.

  • We will be in Hutto next weekend. I will have Trog and Xander in Fch ASFA, and I believe Linda is bringing her girls for AKC. There will be practices at the end of the day Saturday, which your dog could try. We were just in Florence at the beginning of the month, the field had not been cut, so it was a bit of a challenge.

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