• Not sure we did this correct will try and post two pictures of Jaycee. I do have to say she is very pretty.

  • ooowww….. Those ears..... I'm in love....

  • Aaahw.. she's really cute!

  • Thank you..
    Buana and Janneka.

    We love her ears to. Really a good baby just growing to fast. Have a great weekend. Thanks again….

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    Rita Jean she is beautiful. I have one of her brothers…not from the same litter but from Mark in Mo. We have Otis, he used to be Jack. I sure love those red basenji girls, I always said if I get a girl she has to be red....


  • What an adorable face!! Those ears:) are wonderful!! Do they snap real loud when she shakes her head? My 2 snap their ears when they wake up and come out from under a cover. My Katie with the smaller head and bigger ears get a much louder snap. It's how I tell them apart in the middle of the night:D

  • Beautiful B!!

  • nobarkus, Thank you we think she is beautiful but she is very special to us and now very very spoiled.

    Snorky998, I do not beleive I have heard her ears but then I may not have known what I heard. I am going to really listen now and I told the family to listen. Now we all can hardly wait. That would be great to share the bed with two baby's at night. That sweet little face can be looking at you and doing something that we really should not be doing and look so sweet like not me. My husband says Jaycee stands for just cause I can do it.

    Basenjimamma, Hi, Thank you and I am so happy to know were one of the boys went. I really want to stay in touch and see pictures. We seen most of the baby's when we went to get Jaycee. So hard they all were beautiful and so sweet hard to leave any of them. I would have brought them all home if I could have and would have had the money. How is Otis doing? I love his name that is sweet. Is he growing and just all over the place? Please stay in touch and let us know how Otis is doing looking forward to seeing pictures. How long have you had Otis? We got Jaycee on the 7th of March.

  • Houston

    We actually just got him a week ago tomorrow. He flew in. He is growing like a weed, he is already 18.9 lbs and 15" tall in his shoulders and tomorrow is his 4 month birthday. I am happy to hear that you went to see the dogs at Mark's house and all. Did it look OK? I have to say I am very pleased with all of our correspondence, but I haven't physically been there so I didn't get the whole picture if you know what I mean. So far we are very pleased with Otis and I hope he feels the same about us. Your little girl is beautiful…next time I will get a red girl...

  • Houston

    Rita Jean, one more question…how did you make your album? I have tried numerous times but keep on getting an error message saying I need a security token (????)


  • Nice pics! 🙂

  • imbj Thank you. Picture of yours is very beautiful.

    Not sure I can help you but I will try my daughter had to help me.
    Post first on your home page that you can get at the top under members list this is your page.
    Go to the right to Quick Links scroll down and under networking open pictures and albums.
    The on the left it will say add album click on that.
    Do your Title and Description ((Make sure dot is on Public)
    The Sumbit
    Click here to upload pictures
    Click on brouser
    Go to your pictures file and click on pictures you want to add.
    I hope this helps.
    I am sure really not that hard but for me it never easy.
    Jaycee is smaller she is 12 maybe 12 1/2 inches tall and 25th April we went to vet and she did just weigh 14 lbs. Being small sure don't stop her from running and having fun. I though she was big until now o well.
    Very nice house and very very clean and two children you see on weh web site are there children. The children were very kind and nice and they were great with the puppies. They had been helping since they were born. It was some different as we meet Mark and the children and had been there for a long time and we went outside to talk over what we thought and about what puppy we wanted.
    When I cam back into the house there was another man there holding Bandit and he was one I was having trouble trying to decide on Bandit or Jaycee was (Faith). He said Bandit was his favorite and I said well why don't you buy him and take him home and make this easy for me. My big mouth he looked at me and said I do own and I am home. O but they both were just really nice and they had rasied some beautiful puppies and children were great. We all live our life and well not me but from them it was. My husband look at the parents they were nice looking. he said when he first got to the area they were staying in the girls and boys haid all stood up but the girls hair went right down. The boys were not long after that he said they really were nice and friendly not sure he was someone new. I do not know for sure but we were at there house for three hours and maybe almost four. So hard and you could se they really cared about them. So er bought jaycee and may a del if Bandit did not sell in a short time we would come back and buy him but he sold and went to Flordia.
    We are the animalhouse. Spice shibu, Akita Sterling, Himalyn be 15 years old in Aug that is Sir Duke. The Jaycee new love our Blue fronted Amazon Parrot Sweet Pea but he he not always so sweet. Then two kis one 18 and one to be 13 in July enough kids.
    I hope this helps you with the pictures. Sorry this is so long I get going and forget to shut my mouth.

  • Houston

    Rita Jean, Thanks you so much for all your help with the pictures and with resting my thoughts on were Otis came from. I thought from the beginning that Mark had his head on straight, but you never know, hearing you describe their environment make me feel as if I had the right thougt. I will try to get the picture thing worked out so you can see our beautiful Otis.


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