Anybody around Tampa FL want to babysit Jibini & Tana? :)
It's kind of last-minute….I just now realized this section existed. Figured I'd give it a whirl.
This coming Friday or Saturday I am driving to Florida, to visit family. I'll be gone from here about 2 weeks- but will only be in FL for about 10 days. Have a couple of stops to make on the way down, but should be there by Tuesday, Feb 9th. Plan to leave on the 19th or 20th.
There's really no room for my dogs at my mom's house...they have no fence, their house is small, and to top it off, they have a young Golden Retreiver who is almost more than they can handle. Mom really wants to at least see her "grandson" Jibini....but they just can't handle another dog, let alone 2 in her house.
I have been planning to leave my dogs here in SD- Jibini and Chloe (mix) will stay at the hunting dog trainer's kennel where I work. Tana will stay with a friend since she is a climber & she is so easily stressed, will lose weight if you look at her funny.
However, if there is any way I can bring just Jibini & Tana with me to Florida, I would be a happy girl. (Chloe stays- she's too rowdy for sane people & doesn't play well with other dogs). I would really, really like to be able to bring Jibini & Tana to the dog park in Tampa on Sunday, so they can play with the regular group of Basenjis that meets there. When we lived in Tampa, I would meet up with them frequently. Jibini loved it. They have never met Tana; it's been 2-3 years since I've seen any of them. I'll still go visit if I don't have a dog, but I would love for Tana to experience at least one Basenji Sunday...she loves to play and I think she'd enjoy it :)
I don't want to kennel them in FL....the prices are too ridiculous compared to what I pay here, plus I wouldn't be able to pick them up on a Sunday to go to the park & drop them off afterwards.
Basically, if there's anyone in the area who'd be willing to take care of them, do feel free to let me know :). I'd provide their food, crates, and I'd pay you for your trouble :) They are both fairly easy Basenjis; crate easily, tolerate other dogs for the most part, and they aren't destructive.
If nobody's available, it's quite alright. I just figured there was no harm in trying!! Thanks :D
We have a friend who keeps dogs in her home, she has kept several basenjis. It isn't free, but not expensive either. If you still have my home e-mail, and are interested, e-mail me and I'll give you her name/e-mail. Or did you ever use Cyndi when you were here?