• Do your b's sleep next to the heating? Most of the time this causes the shedding..
    But Tillo is shedding a bit as well 🙂 (he also sleeps next to the heating)

  • It's normal. I think it has something to do with indoor heating. Mine haven't started their yearly shed yet but I expect it within the next month or so. When it starts I put the dog in the tub, lather them up with dog shampoo, and use a Zoom Groom to gently scrub the loose hairs out of the coat, and rinse thoroughly. This usually has to be repeated in 3-4 weeks and that is usually all that needs to be done.

  • Stella is shedding too - but she has this short short hair!! It's almost prickly! I'm afraid if she sheds too much she'll be bald!! Buster has longer hair - I started brushing him with a shedding comb (?) and so much hair was coming out!!! Quick on the subject - any hints in bathing them without having them scratch up your legs?

  • My B's favorite spot in the house is right in front of the heat vent.

    When I bathe my B I put him in the tub, and kneel next to it to bathe him. I have a massaging shower head with the long hose that you can bring down into the tub and turn on and off from the shower head. I usually keep one hand on his chest and only put the water on when I am rinsing him off. It works well for my B who hates water so much we have to drag him outside when its raining. Overall, the less traumatic you can make the experience the better it will be for your dog.

  • Ugh! Squiggy is "fluffing" everywhere.
    I had to tell the BF to quit petting him so vigorously :p
    We go outside for our brushings now a few times a day.

  • I think Kananga is about done with his major shedding. His coat looks a lot less dense now.

    I understand they typically blow their coats twice per year, but how long does this process last on average?

  • I HATE hair in the house. Our rescue from BRAT was outside for a good part of the winter, thru the first of December. There is hair EVERYWHERE! One reason we chose a B is no barking (and he does not bark or even yodel or scream 🙂 AND because they are not supposed to shed. Well, boy does he SHED!!!! I bought my son a hand vac for his room. I wash everything over and over and then dry it. We brush him and brush him. He takes a shower in our enclosed stall with my son once a week. Man there is a lot of hair!!!! Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of it? Yuck!
    But my B is safe, I love him too much to send him packing….just need to clean it out of the house! Thanks.

  • They usually just shed for a month, or maybe 2 out of the entire year…. but when they shed they loose their ENTIRE coat. There are separate threads here with different opinions on dealing with the shedding. Personally, I brush my B once a day with one of the metal U shaped shedding brushes (not sure what it is called). Bathing does seem to get a lot of the hair out of his coat as well.

  • @jonny:

    I HATE hair in the house. Our rescue from BRAT was outside for a good part of the winter, thru the first of December. There is hair EVERYWHERE! One reason we chose a B is no barking (and he does not bark or even yodel or scream 🙂 AND because they are not supposed to shed. Well, boy does he SHED!!!! I bought my son a hand vac for his room. I wash everything over and over and then dry it. We brush him and brush him. He takes a shower in our enclosed stall with my son once a week. Man there is a lot of hair!!!! Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of it? Yuck!
    But my B is safe, I love him too much to send him packing….just need to clean it out of the house! Thanks.

    What works best for me is a Zoom Groom (available at petedge-online & petsmart) on a wet dog. I got that tip on this forum and it works great. I've also heard really good things about the "furminator".

    Oh, and regarding the "basenjis aren't supposed to shed"…yeah, that is purely a myth...as is that they are hypoallergenic. Oh and relative to the barking...mine won't bark constantly but they can and do bark once or twice every once in a while - especially if they are startled. In fact, my girl Ruby barked at me last night when I came in the house and it was dark (I had been away for a few days).

  • I think the myth of the "non-shedding" basenji comes from the fact that throughout the year, you won't see very very minimal amounts of hair coming off your B. Normally (when its not shedding season), I only see a few loose pieces of hair a day. As compared to my old room mate's dog who would loose handfulls of hair when you petted her.

    The most noise my B makes is a bark-like sound when startled, or to greet someone coming home. And, when he is trying to get my other dog to play with him (he jumps around like a fool and does an imitation growl, imitation bark, and a-roos at her until either he pulls her out of bed or she gets up willingly)

  • Thanks, Guys!
    Any good ideas on the hair that is already on the bed, sheets, pillows, blankets, couch, gloves, coats, pants, car seats, etc. 🙂
    I am even considering calling in a professional cleaning service…. :0

  • Some bloodlines shed more then others… and yes, that is the biggest mis-information given about Basenjis, that they do not shed.... because they do. As noted usually only once a year but can take as long a 3 months is they were not in the best condition to begin with. How long have you had him? Depending on his condition when you got him or how long he was with brat and/or foster, could be that he just needs some good food and care.

  • We got him Jan. 9, 2009. He had great care at foster mom's home. He was an outside dog for 6 months at a home that found him on the highway. He has pretty thick hair around his neck. The black is pretty thin now.His hair is much longer than my brother's r/w pup. He is inside with us except when we have him out for walks or play. He LOVES the rain, water puddles are great. He likes his shower(it is easier than a bath since it has doors). I just need to get the stuff he has dropped cleaned up!! 🙂 It seems to multiply whenever I turn my back!

  • I think that you are in for a few months of shedding while he gets healthly from the inside out. The white will be longer/thicker then the base color. He will shed that too… I think that once you get past this part, it will not be as bad.....

  • @jonny:

    We got him Jan. 9, 2009. He had great care at foster mom's home. He was an outside dog for 6 months at a home that found him on the highway. He has pretty thick hair around his neck. The black is pretty thin now.His hair is much longer than my brother's r/w pup. He is inside with us except when we have him out for walks or play. He LOVES the rain, water puddles are great. He likes his shower(it is easier than a bath since it has doors). I just need to get the stuff he has dropped cleaned up!! 🙂 It seems to multiply whenever I turn my back!

    By the way, were did your brother get his pup?

  • I sure hope so. Yuck.
    Hank is from Megan Sorhus in Missouri.

  • @jonny:

    I sure hope so. Yuck.
    Hank is from Megan Sorhus in Missouri.

    Hopefully Hank or his sire and dam have been DNA tested for Fanconi. Also that is something that you should consider for your boy, since you really have no idea about his sire and dam, as BRAT doesn't do the DNA Fanconi test. DNA cheek swab for Fanconi. Learn about Fanconi at www.basenjihealth.org Cost of the test is 60.00

  • Yes we will. We are doing the strip test now every month. and hank has been tested already. thanks!!

  • I was just going to comment on the fact that I have had our B for four years now and yes once a year he does a major shedding of his winter coat ( over here in B.C Canada it gets quite cold and damp) But this is the first year that Our Besenji has lost his under coat as well and like you said it is bristley and there on his chest the spots on his skin are visible for the first time as well as on the sides of his neck. This concerns me . as well as he tends to favor the area around his genitals and has licked it raw and its very red. I have also noticed that there is no hair there at all.The vet doesn't seem to be very concerned. I do make his dog food but am wonering if there is something more that he needs or is he getting to much of one thing.His coat used to be beautiful with an awesome shean to it and very slick and smooth but now there is no shine at all and his coat is rough and dull , very bristly . can anyone help me with this ? Please. I am very concerned.

  • @Pam:

    I was just going to comment on the fact that I have had our B for four years now and yes once a year he does a major shedding of his winter coat ( over here in B.C Canada it gets quite cold and damp) But this is the first year that Our Besenji has lost his under coat as well and like you said it is bristley and there on his chest the spots on his skin are visible for the first time as well as on the sides of his neck. This concerns me . as well as he tends to favor the area around his genitals and has licked it raw and its very red. I have also noticed that there is no hair there at all.The vet doesn't seem to be very concerned. I do make his dog food but am wonering if there is something more that he needs or is he getting to much of one thing.His coat used to be beautiful with an awesome shean to it and very slick and smooth but now there is no shine at all and his coat is rough and dull , very bristly . can anyone help me with this ? Please. I am very concerned.

    I have found that every few years they shed a ton and will tend to go "bald" in places… way different then regular years... and that sounds like what your boy is doing. And until he is done "Molting" (that is what I call it, like a bird that molts) That said I would be concern with his licking, as that sounds like a yeast infection. Yogert will help... with giving him so good bacteria or put him on probotics. It is very difficult to clear up... my boy, Kobey just went through that a few months ago. You can also wash the area with a good anti bacterial soap

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