• Lisa, were you waiting for pathology, or was it already confirmed to be malignant? What is your next step…just waiting?

  • We are still waiting for the biopsy results. The original cytology showed it was most probably malignant. The type it is though has a very low chance of recurring, less than 5%, if the surgeon was able to get all of the tumor. The problem is that it highly invasive so it usually invades the surrounding tissue which is why his incision was so large. So what really want to hear from the biopsy is that he got clean margins. If he did, it is my understanding that Nicky should not have to have any further treatment and we just keep monitoring all of his lumps and bumps very carefully.

  • We are doing a happy dance in California! Nicky's biopsy results are back and they were able to completely excise his tumor. It was diagnosed as a low grade spindle cell sarcoma. The smallest margin was 1.5 cm and the largest 3.5 cm. This type of tumor has a low chance of recurring when completely removed.


    Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

  • Thank heavens!!!! I am soooo happy for the positive outcome. Give Nicky a hug from me. 🙂

  • Hooray from Florida!!!!!!

  • That is great news for Nicky…. big grins and a happy dance from the Bay Area for Nicky

  • thank goodness - i'm so happy for you

  • That's great news!!

  • Hip Hip Hooray and big happy Barooooo for Nicky!!

    We're so relieved over here.

  • Great news Lisa! Congrats. Now, have you managed to slow him down any??

  • Nicky is feeling better every day so keeping him calm is a real challenge. What's worse is that the girls are very playful this week and he doesn't get why he isn't allowed to join in the fun.

    I think he will be ready to have his stitches out on Monday which will be good because they must be starting to itch 'cause he wants to scratch at them. He has been really good about the licking but it is the itching that is driving us all mad.

  • Thanks for the updates and I'm happy Nicky is feeling better. Good news all around.

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